The following 71 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

allows   an   and   Assignment   back   buffering   by   callback   called   can   color   Control   defined   Display   display   double   draw   during   event   Func   function   functions   gl   glut   happens   in   infinite   initialization   methods   of   onto   Ortho   our   parameters   part   passed   pointers   Port   program   programmer   Questions   react   scheme   see   set   sets   setting   sheet   space   specify   such   that   The   the   These   This   to   up   us   use   user   via   View   viewable   want   we   what   whenever   whether   window   wish  


Assignment 1 Questions

1. Control is passed back to the programmer via callback functions. These callback functions are called whenever an event happens that a program can react to. This is set up during initialization by setting function pointers to the user defined functions in such methods as glutDisplayFunc( display ).

2. The parameters specify what color scheme we wish to use and whether we want to use double buffering.

3. glOrtho() sets up the viewable space of the "infinite sheet" that our window can see. glViewPort() allows us to specify what part of the window that we wish to draw onto.
