The following 101 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

accumulation   actual   an   and   angles   Answers   area   associated   at   back   be   being   bitmap   buffer   buffered   by   call   callback   called   can   changing   color   contained   Control   corresponding   creates   defines   depth   desired   determines   display   displayed   displays   double   each   either   even   event   events   for   function   functions   Gl   If   image   in   include   indexing   initialization   input   inside   instead   its   less   maintains   mode   more   number   objects   occur   of   on   Only   or   Ortho   parameter   passed   pointer   possible   possibly   programmer   rectangular   registering   resized   resizing   screen   settings   shown   single   size   Some   stencil   such   that   The   the   These   to   use   user   viewing   Viewport   visible   volume   want   what   whatever   whenever   whether   window   would  



1. Control is passed back to the programmer by registering callback functions. These functions are called whenever events such as window resizing, user input, or even a call to display the screen occur. A function pointer for each desired event is passed to the corresponding GLUT function at initialization.

2. The parameter is a bitmap that determines a number of display mode settings. Some include whether to use RGBA or color indexing a single or double buffered window, and to possibly use an associated depth, stencil, or accumulation buffer.

3. GlViewport defines the rectangular area of the window that displays the image.

  • GlOrtho creates a viewing volume that maintains the actual size and angles of objects contained in the volume. Only objects inside the volume can be displayed on the screen. If the window is resized, its possible that the programmer would want either more or less of whatever is being shown to be visible instead of changing the size of what is visible.
