The following 81 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

accomplish   and   aspect   back   be   because   buffering   calls   cchw1   Chris   Collette   color   control   coordinate   Describe   Display   does   double   during   events   flags   For   for   function   functions   gl   glut   How   how   If   in   In   Init   initialization   instance   keyboard   keyed   main   maintain   map   might   mode   Mode   mouse   necessary   objects   of   off   on   or   Ortho   parameter   passed   positioning   program   programmer   ratio   redefine   registered   reshape   resize   resized   set   specify   system   that   The   the   This   this   timer   to   up   view   Viewport   want   we   What   why   window   with  


Describe cchw1 here.

In a GLUT program, how is control passed back to the programmer? How is this set up during initialization? -functions are registered with GLUT keyed off of events, for instance the timer, the keyboard, or the mouse.

What does the parameter to glutInitDisplayMode() in main() specify? The parameter is the set of flags for this instance of GLUT. For instance, double buffering and the color mode are set here.

What do the calls to glOrtho() and glViewport() in the reshape() function accomplish? If the window is to be resized, why might we want to change this?

The functions redefine the coordinate system map to the window and the window view of that coordinate system. This is necessary on resize because we want to maintain the aspect ratio and positioning of the objects in the window.

-Chris Collette
