The following 79 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

all   and   area   around   at   because   bison   bothered   Building   built   but   common   coordinate   cygwin   didn   Experimentation   expreminet   familiarize   fancy   flex   for   full   further   got   had   images   in   include   installation   instead   just   light   me   messages   my   myself   never   No   of   on   only   other   page   paths   pbrt   per   pixel   played   pretty   problems   rays   really   relative   rendered   Rendering   resolution   samples   scene   seconds   setup   show   so   source   specified   stuck   Studio   systems   that   the   thought   to   transformations   use   Visual   wait   well   which   with   worked  


Building PBRT

I built pbrt in Visual Studio 2005, which worked pretty well. I got stuck because my installation of cygwin didn't include bison and flex, but the error messages didn't really show that, so I thought it all had to do with the common problems specified on the pbrt info page. I also had to use full paths instead of relative paths.


I rendered at 150*150 resolution with only 2 samples rays/pixel and 2 samples per area light source. It never bothered me to wait 10 seconds for the images, so I didn't expreminet further.


No fancy other images. I just played around with the transformations to familiarize myself with the scene setup and coordinate systems.
