The following 400 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

above   absorbed   absorption   adding   adjusted   advantage   against   Alan   allowed   already   altered   an   and   Andrus   another   appearance   area   associated   associates   at   At   attachment   attempted   back   backlit   backlit1   backlit2   based   Basis   be   because   been   Before   best   beyond   biggest   bugs   built   but   by   can   cellular   Cellular   cellular1   cellular2   cellular3   center   certain   Challenges   changed   changes   chose   coefficient   coefficients   colbert   color   colors   combination   competition   competition2   competitionlarge   compute   computed   computing   considered   consisted   constant   contains   contribution   coordinates   corrected   correctly   created   creating   cross   cs   Curtis   D1   D2   D3   dark   decided   demonstrate   density   described   determined   did   differences   direction   directly   disappointed   distance   distances   Dn   does   done   Dorsey   each   Each   Edelman   edge   edge1   edu   effect   effects   encountered   entered   equation   estimate   even   Every   exact   example   exp   exported   feature   few   Final   final   Finally   find   finding   following   for   format   formula   found   from   front   full   function   Function   functions   generally   get   getting   give   given   glowing   goal   Goals   going   goodies   gray   Greenstein   Group   had   Hans   Henrik   Henyey   hits   how   idea   If   illuminated   image   images   Images   implemented   Implemented   importance   imported   in   In   initially   inside   Instead   int   integrator   intended   interact   interacting   internal   into   issue   issues   Jensen   jpg   Julie   Justin   kd   Kohling   larger   leaves   left   Legakis   light   like   linear   located   long   look   looked   looking   Lookup   map   mapping   Mapping   marble   marching   material   maximum   Maya   mayapbrt   me   Members   method   model   modeled   Modeling   models   modified   Movement   Multiple   multiple   multiplying   my   near   nearest   needed   new   noise   noticeable   object   of   off   on   one   or   original   outer   outside   p0   parameter   parameters   pbrt   Pederson   Perlin   phase   Photon   photon   photons   photontest1   php   pi   placed   places   plate   pleased   plugin   point   points   portion   prevented   probability   Proceedings   process   produce   project   Project   properly   Proposal   proposal   provided   radiance   radiances   radius   randomly   ray   Realistic   realistic   References   Region   relatively   render   rendered   Rendering   rendering   reproduce   resulted   Results   right   rock   sampling   satisfactory   scaled   scattered   scattering   scene   Scene   scenes   Scenes   section   seeds   seen   separate   serve   set   shape   shapes   sides   sigma   simulate   simulated   Simulation   since   single   size   skin   slice   slices   slightly   smoothly   so   some   Source   source   specify   sphere   spots   standard   step   Steven   Stone   stored   storing   structure   submitted   submitting   subsurface   Sum   surface   Synthesis   take   Technical   Techniques   term   Test   test   Texture   texture   Texturing   th   that   The   the   them   then   These   think   this   This   thought   threw   through   time   times   to   To   too   traced   tracing   tree   turned   two   ucf   unable   use   used   user   Using   using   value   version   volume   Volume   volumes   Volumetric   volumetric   Wann   was   watermelon   watermelons   Wavefront   Weathered   weight   weights   well   Where   where   which   while   will   with   within   without   Worley   wp   Writeup   zip  


Final Project Writeup

Group Members: Curtis Andrus


The goal of my project was to produce realistic images of watermelons. The original proposal can be found here: CurtisAndrus/FinalProjectProposal.

Techniques Implemented

The scattering of light within the watermelon was simulated using volumetric photon mapping, and the structure of the watermelon was simulated using a cellular texture function.

Volumetric Photon Mapping

Simulation of single-scattering light in the watermelon was done using standard volume rendering (already implemented in PBRT). Multiple scattering was done using photon mapping, by tracing photons through the volume and storing them in a volumetric photon map.

Movement of the photons in the volume is determined using ray marching. At each point p encountered in the ray marching process, the probability that the photon will interact with the volume at p is given by 1 - exp(-int(sigma_t(x),x = p0->p)), where p0 is the point where the photon entered the volume [1]. If a photon leaves the watermelon without interacting with the volume it is not stored in the photon map. If it does interact, sigma_s(p)/sigma_t(p) is the probability that the photon will scattered at point p. If it is scattered a new direction is computed by importance sampling the phase function. Also, the radiance of the scattered photon is scaled by the scattering probability. If the photon is not scattered, it is absorbed and stored in the photon map.

The watermelon is rendered using ray-marching to compute the single-scattering term. At each point, the multiple scattering contribution is computed by adding of the radiances of each photon. This formula for this is given by the following equation:

step_size * Sum(phase(x,wp,w)*photon_radiance/((4/3)*pi*r^3), p=1->N)

Where phase() is the phase function of the volume, and r is the radius of the sphere in which the photons are located [2]. The phase function I used consisted of a linear combination of two Henyey-Greenstein phase functions, one for front-scattering and one for back-scattering. The weights of each term are user parameters, and my scenes generally had a larger weight for front-scattering.

I implemented the photon mapping by adding a volumetric map to PBRT's photon map integrator. I created a new "subsurface" material plugin that associates a VolumeRegion object with a shape, so that I could specify volumes inside shapes. If a photon hits a surface with a volume, it is then traced through the volume and stored in a separate map using the method described. The estimate of the volume radiance is computed by adding the term to the value computed by PBRT's single scattering volume integrator.

Photon Mapping Test Images:

A test of the watermelon model, using a Perlin noise as the density function.

A backlit slice of watermelon. The image on the right is rendered with photon mapping, while the image on the left is rendered without.

Cellular Texturing

To simulate the internal structure of the watermelon, I implemented the noise function described in [3] based on the idea of randomly placed feature points. Each volume has an associated set feature points, and the density of the volume at each point p is determined by p's distance to the nearest 3 feature points (In [3] it was determined that using points beyond the 4 nearest did not give noticeable differences). The exact formula I used for computing the density at a given point is the following:

density(x) = 0.5*|0.6*D3 - D2 + 2.0*D1|

The Dn are the distances to the n-th nearest feature point. The maximum allowed density is 1.

At each point, the absorption cross section and the scattering coefficient at each point in the watermelon are computed by multiplying a user-provided parameter by the density computed by this function. The set of feature points is stored in the kd-tree data structure built into pbrt. This allowed me to take advantage of the Lookup() method, which is used to find the photons within a certain distance.

Cellular Texture Images:

This image was rendered without photon mapping, and the effect of the texture can be seen in the slices. I was relatively pleased with this texture since the dark "spots" in the texture look like places where seeds could have been in the watermelon.

These images demonstrate the texture and the photon mapping effects. The image on the right was rendered with the photon mapping, so light can be seen on the sides of the watermelon where it is not directly illuminated by the light (the light in this scene is directly above).

Scene and Modeling

I modeled the watermelon slice and plate in Maya and exported them to the OBJ format, then used the Wavefront shape plugin (from for PBRT to render the models.

Technical Challenges

The biggest issue I had was getting the parameters right. If the scattering coefficients are slightly off the watermelon will look too gray or even look like it's glowing. Every time I changed the code the color parameters in my scenes needed to be adjusted to get the right look. Before the competition I had thought I found the right parameters to give the appearance of watermelon, but I corrected a few bugs and that threw the colors off, which resulted in my final image not looking like watermelon.

I also attempted to simulate how the color of a watermelon changes near the outside, and set the density function to change to a smoothly constant value at some distance from a user-provided watermelon center point. This can be seen in the first example of the cellular texture, and in the following image:

In the end I also had issues finding a satisfactory color for this portion of the watermelon, so I turned it off for the final image. I had also modified PBRT's marble texture to serve as a skin texture, but I was unable to get the texture coordinates imported correctly from Maya, so I chose not to use that as well.


I had initially intended my final scene to be a plate full of watermelon slices, but long render times prevented me from creating that. Instead, I submitted this image to the competition:

I was slightly disappointed with this image, as it did not properly reproduce the watermelon-like appearance I was going for, but of the images I considered submitting I think it was the best. Here is another image I considered, but I decided against it because I thought the outer edge area looked like rock:

Here is a larger version of the final scene, with parameters slightly altered:

Finally, here is the plate of watermelon that I did not have time to render for the competition:

Source Code & PBRT Scenes

Source Code:
PBRT Scenes:

The watermelon.pbrt contains a single watermelon slice rendered for the final image, and final.pbrt contains the plate of watermelon slices that I was unable to render in time for the competition.


[1] Julie Dorsey, Alan Edelman, Henrik Wann Jensen, Justin Legakis and Hans Kohling Pederson: "Modeling and Rendering of Weathered Stone" (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'99).

[2] Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping by Henrik Wann Jensen.

[3] Steven Worley: "A Cellular Texture Basis Function".
