The following 201 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

able   allow   an   and   area   around   Assignment   at   At   be   because   better   bit   book   both   build   building   But   but   by   camera   certain   changes   colors   configuration   configurations   confused   correctly   dealing   default   dependant   didn   disk   during   easily   example   Experimentation   Express   extremely   faster   files   fine   followed   For   for   forward   fourth   fun   function   future   gain   geometry   get   good   got   had   head   how   However   If   image   images   in   In   Installation   instructions   interesting   into   issue   issues   itself   just   kd   know   let   light   lighting   lights   like   little   ll   look   lot   lots   make   manipulate   me   messing   mimic   modifying   more   my   near   need   new   no   Note   numbers   objects   of   on   one   only   or   order   other   parameterize   photoshop   play   played   Playing   please   png   position   practically   practice   probably   problems   process   programs   project   projects   read   really   remembering   render   rendered   rendering   Rendering   require   required   resolution   right   rotate   rotation   same   sample   save   scene   scenes   seconds   see   setting   settings   showed   simple   so   some   source   sources   space   speed   speeding   speedup   straight   stuck   Studio   supposed   sure   take   test   than   Thanks   that   The   the   them   this   those   time   to   took   track   translation   try   trying   tuning   turn   tweaked   typecasting   unacceptable   understand   understanding   up   useful   using   values   versioning   visible   Visual   warnings   was   wasn   were   when   whether   while   will   with   world   wrote  


Assignment 1

PBRT Installation

I had no problems setting up and building PBRT. The instructions were straight forward and I was able to build the project easily (practically no changes to any files, just followed the instructions) using Visual Studio Express 2005. I got a lot of warnings but I'm sure those are just typecasting and versioning issues.


At first I was a little confused because I didn't know whether or not I was supposed to manipulate certain values of the light sources... so I was stuck trying to mimic the first configuration only by modifying the light position. However when I tweaked the other values I was able to create the required image. It took me a while to get the geometry straight in my head for rotation and translation (like remembering that rotation and translation are order dependant). Also dealing with area lights was interesting when the disk itself showed up in the scene because I didn't rotate it correctly.

As for the speed up, it wasn't really an issue for the first 3 configurations. The programs didn't take more than 5 seconds to render with the default configuration. In order to speed up the fourth configuration (and to make sure my lighting was on the right track), I only rendered with one light visible at a time. But in order to gain a better understanding of speeding up the rendering process I played around with the image resolution and the area light source sample numbers to try to get a faster speedup during the test process. I see how this will be extremely useful in future projects when lights and objects require lots of fine tuning to position and parameterize correctly.

Note: I also had to turn the images into 16 bit resolution in order for photoshop to allow me to save them as .png files. If this is unacceptable please let me know. Thanks!


I had a lot of fun messing around with the translation and rotation settings (both in camera space and world (?) space). For example, I wrote the fourth configuration both by modifying the camera's lookAt function and by modifying the objects and lights in the scene to create the same rotation (simple, but good practice). Playing with the colors (kd for example) was also interesting. I'll probably try rendering some interesting new scenes in the near future. I need to read more of the book to understand some of the other settings I could play with.
