The following 507 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

00am   10nm   1h   20cells   20layers   380nm   780nm   above   absorption   account   accurate   accurately   adding   Additionally   Aerial   aerial   aerosol   aerosols   against   air   all   All   almost   along   Although   amongst   amount   an   Analytic   Analytical   and   angles   application   applied   approximations   area   associated   at   Atmosphere   atmosphere   atmospheres   atmospheric   attachment   Attempt   attenuated   attenuation   Audi   Author   available   away   background   Based   based   be   beautiful   Because   because   below   better   big   blue   book   both   Both   bottom   brightness   Brouwer   build   but   by   calculated   calculates   calculating   calculations   Calculations   can   cannot   catch   caused   cells   check   choose   chromaticity   class   Climate   coefficients   color   colored   colors   colorspace   combinations   combined   comparable   compare   compared   completely   complex   composition   computational   condition   conditions   conversion   conversions   correctly   costly   created   cs   cumbersome   day   Daylight   de   default   density   dependency   dependent   describe   described   describes   describing   detailed   developed   Dick   did   different   direct   Direct   directional   directlighting   Disc   discussed   discussion   distribution   diverse   divide   Divide   does   due   dunes   dust   each   Each   earth   Earth   easily   edu   effect   effects   encountered   environment   Esoteric   especially   Especially   estimate   etc   eventually   Example   examples   exponential   exponentially   eye   far   fast   figure   Final   final   final10h   final6h   final7h   final8h   final9h   Finally   fitted   flexibility   fog   foggy   for   found   from   function   functions   funtions   further   generally   Generic   generic   given   gives   great   had   harder   having   haze   hazy   Height   hemisphere   hence   hours   However   humidity   hundreds   if   illuminate   illumination   Illumination   image   images   Images   implement   implementation   implemented   implementing   Important   in   including   increments   inf   infinite   inherently   initially   inputs   Instead   instrumentation   intensities   intensive   into   involves   irradiance   ish   issue   issues   Issues   its   jpg   julianday   just   keep   lambda   Lastly   later   latitude   layer   layers   light   Lighting   lightning   lights   lightsource   like   linearly   lintu   literature   longitude   looked   lot   luminance   magnor   mainly   make   makes   manually   many   map   mapping   maps   me   measure   measuring   mentioned   meridian   meteorological   method   methods   Mie   mimicked   Model   model   modeled   modifying   molecules   more   most   mpg   mpi   Much   multiple   My   my   nature   neglected   new   next   Next   no   number   oasis   objects   occurs   of   on   optimizations   or   others   out   outdoors   output   over   Overview   ozone   papers   parameters   parametric   particle   particles   particularly   paths   pdf   per   perspective   Perspective   Phenomena   Physically   pictures   pleasing   plentiful   png   polluted   pos   position   positioning   positions   possible   Potentials   practical   Practical   predicting   present   previous   problematic   process   profile   Project   proportional   provided   psi   publications   radiance   Radiative   ran   range   ray   Rayleigh   rays   readily   Realistic   realistic   realistically   reasonably   reasons   refraction   refractions   related   render   rendered   Rendering   rendering   replace   replacement   replacing   reproduce   require   Required   required   resulting   results   Rm   S348   samples   saturated   scale   scaling   Scaling   scattered   scattering   scene   scenery   scenes   season   see   send   series   should   similar   simplesphere   simplification   Simulation   size   sizes   sky   skylight   Skylight   skylights   slow   small   so   Solar   some   space   specify   spectra   spectral   spectrum   Spectrum   split   standard   started   suitable   suited   sun   Sun   Sunlight   sunlight   sunset   sunset091206   sunsky   surface   surfaceintegrator   table   taken   techniques   Techniques   Temperature   term   test   than   that   The   the   them   then   Therefore   therefore   these   theta   they   this   This   thousands   three   time   to   To   tog05   tone   tonemapping   too   took   tool   tools   transfer   transformation   tried   true   tt   Turbidity   turbidity   turned   Twilight   twilight   Unfortunately   up   use   used   Used   uses   using   utah   utility   values   various   vary   very   views   vissim   visually   want   wanted   was   water3   wavelength   Wavelength   wavelengths   way   we   web   well   when   which   whole   will   with   without   worked   works   would   write   wscg05   xy  


A Realistic, Generic Earth/Atmosphere Model - CS348B Final Project


Dick Brouwer

Final Image

8.00am. Images with different sun positions can be found at the bottom of this write-up.


Rendering scenes, especially outdoors, generally involves using manually created environment maps to realistically render skylight. Especially for twilight scenes with very diverse lightning conditions no suitable tools are readily available. I want to create a generic model for rendering a realistic sky for a given position on the earth, season, time of day and atmosphere condition (e.g. foggy, polluted etc.) to replace outdoors environment maps. My model should therefore not be too computational intensive.

To accurately render skylights many atmospheric effects have to be taken into account, including:

  • Solar irradiance spectrum and its absorption in the ozone layer
  • Wavelength-dependent refraction of direct sunlight in the atmosphere
  • Climate-dependent composition and size distribution of aerosols / dust particles
  • Height-dependent air, humidity, and aerosol density
  • Rayleigh scattering (air molecules) and Mie scattering (aerosols)
  • Radiative transfer (multiple scattering)
  • Illumination of the atmosphere by the earth's surface (small, so neglected in my discussion)

Important papers related to these issues are: Physically Based Simulation of Twilight Phenomena, Realistic Solar Disc Rendering and A Practical Analytic Model for Daylight.

Example images of beautiful skylights are plentiful. Here are some examples of the images I would like to reproduce:

Techniques Used

1st Attempt: Divide the atmosphere in cells and layers

The most realistic way of rendering the sky is to divide the atmosphere into hundreds or thousands of different layers. Each layer is then split into different cells (see pictures). I started implementing this model but ran into some big issues:

  • 1st Calculations took over 4 hours to render (small scenes). This was mainly due to multiple scattering from different cells. Potentials optimizations could be possible, but it is inherently a costly process.
  • Required many rays to be send-out into the scene. Because of atmospheric refractions from each layer to the next, light rays with different wavelengths could have many different paths associated with them.
  • Much atmospheric data is required per atmosphere layer. Temperature profile, scattering coefficients for different particle sizes (aerosols), air humidity etc. Although some of it is easily available from the web, this makes it harder to implement as a 'generic' model.

All three reasons make this model cumbersome and slow to implement and would not be a great tool as an environment map replacement.

2nd Attempt: Analytical approximations for skylight, sunlight and aerial perspective

I modeled the scene using three different techniques. A skylight (atmosphere) mimicked the colored background and provided illumination on the whole hemisphere on the scene. A directional sunlight was implemented to further illuminate the scene. Lastly, an implementation of aerial perspective rendered the blue-ish foggy effect that occurs when objects are far away and the sky is hazy.


The literature mentioned above describes a parametric sky model that is developed by measuring different sky intensities and colors with different sun angles and atmospheric haze combinations. The resulting data is fitted to a model that is reasonably accurate in predicting the color of the sky. Esoteric sky conditions cannot be created but for 'standard' atmospheres this works well. Turbidity is a catch-all term to describe the amount of 'haze' in the sky - replacing detailed calculations for different scattering coefficients for particles in the sky (Rayleigh and Mie scattering). Although turbidity is a great simplification of the true nature of the atmosphere, it is a practical measure of great utility. Because it does not require complex instrumentation to estimate turbidity, it is particularly well-suited for this application. The figure below gives meteorological range Rm for various turbidity values. I implemented the skylight using a infinite area light in PBRT. I created a new spectrum model, colorspace conversion and tonemapping funtions to accurately render this area light. Both will be discussed later.


Sunlight is modeled using a direct lightsource in PBRT. The spectral radiance is looked-up in a table for different wavelengths. Next, the radiance is attenuated by different scattering and absorption parameters (both Rayleigh and Mie scattering are implemented). Both parameters are a function of wavelength (the sky is blue because amongst others the Rayleigh scattering function is proportional to 1/lambda4).

Aerial Perspective

Aerial perspective is calculated by adding the in-scattered sunlight along a ray to the eye with the out-scattering in the atmosphere due to Rayleigh and Mie scattering. Both vary with wavelength (hence the blue-ish background fog present in scenery views). I implemented these methods by modifying the directlighting surfaceintegrator in PBRT (calculating the attenuation and adding a new spectrum class). I compared this model against PBRT's exponential fog model and they turned out to be very similar for the scenes I rendered.

Sun positioning model

To make my model generic, I implemented method which calculates the position of the sun based on different inputs: time, longitude, latitude, julianday, meridian. This transformation results in a sun_theta and sun_psi (see pictures below).

Spectrum model

Because atmospheric scattering is wavelength-dependent, I had to use more spectra that PBRT uses by default (3). I choose for a spectrum from 380nm to 780nm with 10nm increments, resulting in 41 spectrum samples. I did not want to change PBRT's default spectrum number to keep the flexibility of adding different lights later on without having to specify 41 spectra values. Instead I implemented a new spectrum class just used for the skylight, sunlight and aerial perspective in my model. The new spectrum model worked well and fast and rendered the wavelength-dependency correctly.

Issues encountered

The most problematic issue I encountered was tone-mapping. The output of the sky model was chromaticity (x and z) and luminance (Y). The brightness of the sun and sky caused my images initially to be completely over-saturated. I tried to do different luminance-scaling techniques combined with color-space conversions, of which some worked better than others:

  • Scaling Y from xyY output -> XYZ -> RGB (both exponentially and linearly)

  • RGB scaling: xyY -> XYZ -> RGB -> scale (both exponentially and linearly) -> RGB

  • HSV scaling: xyY -> XYZ -> HSV -> scale (exponentially) -> RGB

It turned out that HSV scaling was visually the most pleasing. However, it took me a lot of time to figure this out eventually. Unfortunately I did not compare these methods to PBRT's build-in tonemapping functions.

Final Images

I first test my sky model without any atmospheric attenuation:

Additionally, I wanted to check if my sky was comparable to some of the sunset environment maps we used in class. Therefore I applied my model to the Audi-TT scene described in the book. The results are very similar, and my model is almost as fast as using an environment map.

Finally, I rendered a series of images describing a sunset (each image rendered 1h later then the previous image):
