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This page describes features that are not completed yet or need pratical testing before they're added to the standard feature set. They might disappear or be changed subtantially!


  • [:page name] and [:page name:link text] are a shorter form of [wiki:Self:...], with the additional benefit that both page name and link text can contain any character, including spaces.

    • Pro: using spaces, and it allows &#...; recoding (yet to be added) so that it's possible to add non-western chars into wikinames of western/latin1 wikis. This feature is not needed any more as moin-1.3 supports Unicode.

    • Contra: one more way to link to things

Bidirectional language support

  • config.language_default sets the default language of a wiki's content

    • the HTML lang attribute of a page's BODY tag is set to this language

  • for each language MoinMoin supports in its user interface, a correspondent [[lang]] macro exists, e.g. [[en]]

    • this macro sets HTML lang attributes for paragraphs etc.

    • it also changes the text direction

See also BetterHebrewSupport.

User-defined forms

  • <!> TODO
