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Configure Aolservers nscgi module for MoinMoin

Put the following lines in the Aolserver configuration file, inside the nscgi module configuration

ns_param  map "GET  /mywiki /var/lib/moin/moin.cgi"
ns_param  map "POST /mywiki /var/lib/moin/moin.cgi"


/mywiki -- URL at which the Wiki-Instance will be accessible

/var/lib/moin/moin.cgi -- Path of the moin CGI script

Mapping the /usr/share/moin/htdocs directory

The easiest way to map the ..htdocs directory to an url (say /wiki) is by creating a symbolic link inside the documenttree. Another option (on Microsoft Operating Systems) is copying the whole directory tree to where it is needed.

ln -s /usr/share/moin/htdocs wiki