The following 154 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

200x200   about   actually   add   adjust   all   and   Assignment   at   based   be   best   build   Building   builds   built   but   came   caused   choices   closely   command   comparison   compile   considered   conventions   coordinate   correct   correctly   couple   course   description   desired   different   disabling   doubt   down   ended   enumerate   face   fail   fairly   fell   few   figuring   Figuring   files   Finally   fix   for   found   generally   get   getting   Getting   guessing   had   help   how   image   images   in   indicated   just   lex   lights   lines   little   log   many   match   matter   method   might   more   mostly   much   My   my   narrowing   needed   Observing   of   on   only   option   out   output   overall   parallel   pbrt   per   pixel   possibilities   problems   process   project   projects   quotes   rather   reasonable   Rendering   reproduce   required   result   same   sample   saved   scene   scenes   Scenes   script   second   seemed   sense   shadows   simultaneously   since   size   so   some   space   spaces   straightforward   system   than   The   the   then   there   This   this   time   to   took   trial   tries   try   tweak   ultimately   understanding   units   up   using   usually   very   was   were   where   with   would   write   writing   yacc  


Assignment 1

Building PBRT

I built pbrt using VS 2005. The process was fairly straightforward. Getting the yacc and lex files to compile correctly took a few tries. My build directory had spaces in it, so I had to add quotes to the lex/yacc command lines. Also, the course build description indicated a space might be needed after the "-o" option, but for my build a space after "-o" in the lex command actually caused the build to fail.

Finally, I had some problems with using parallel builds for the projects. The project files output all the builds to the same directory, and since all the builds try to write to the build log simultaneously, many of the builds fail. I ended up just disabling parallel builds rather than try to fix the project files.

Rendering the Scenes

Figuring out how to reproduce the scenes was mostly a matter of understanding the coordinate system conventions of pbrt, and getting a sense of the overall size of the scene in pbrt units. This ultimately came down to trial and error... guessing a few reasonable possibilities and narrowing the choices down based on comparison of the output and the desired result. Observing where the shadows fell on the face seemed to be the best method for figuring out how to adjust the lights to more closely match the sample image.

Rendering the images at 200x200 with 1 sample per pixel only took about a second, so there was very little time required to try the different possibilities. I considered writing a script to help enumerate the different possibilities, but I doubt this would have saved much time, since usually I found only a couple of tries were required to get the generally correct result and then a few more to tweak the lights to closely match the sample.
