The following 133 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

150x150   3d   400x400   action   additional   and   aperture   applied   around   Assignment   Assignment1   at   Attach   background   be   because   blurred   Build   build   but   camera   can   checkerboard   compiled   config   configuration   crashes   creepy   cs348b   debug   didn   down   due   edit   edited   enabled   encountered   errors   everything   Experiments   Fhead   file   File   fine   folder   future   get   graphics   happen   hard   head   Hegarty   how   However   images   img   in   included   initially   involved   issue   issues   James   jpg   just   lets   level   like   located   made   major   material   more   much   needed   no   noted   O2   of   once   optimization   optimizations   parameters   paths   pbrt   played   put   random   realize   really   release   rendered   Rendering   require   required   sample   samples   sec   seconds   see   set   shadow   shallow   shinyhead   shinymetal   slower   so   some   Sort   src   Studio   stuff   subdivision   surprising   target   texture   that   The   the   there   These   this   to   took   tracking   various   Visual   was   which   with   without   worked   you  


Assignment 1

PBRT Build

I compiled it in Visual Studio 2005 without any major issues. The pbrt folder needed to be located at C:/pbrt which I didn't realize initially, but once I put it there and edited the paths as noted in PBRTInfo everything compiled without errors. I encountered random crashes with the release configuration that was included with the build file. These crashes didn't happen with the debug config, so I made a copy of the debug config and enabled /O2 and stuff like that because I didn't feel like tracking down the issue with the included config. It worked fine after that.


The images rendered in ~ 1 sec at 150x150 with 1 sample and no subdivision, so no additional optimization was really required. However, it was surprising how much slower it was at 400x400 with 4 samples and level 3 subdivision - it took ~30 seconds. I can see how in the future this may require more involved optimizations.


I just played around with some of the various parameters that PBRT lets you edit.

Here's a head with a 3d checkerboard texture applied and the aperture of the camera set at 0.1 so that there's a shallow DOF. The shadow in the background is a hard shadow - but it's blurred due to the camera.

Here's a head with the 'shinymetal' material applied. Sort of creepy.
