The following 186 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

300x300   accurate   adding   ago   and   Another   Assignment   at   attempted   baffled   be   Bison   book   both   build   built   but   by   calls   came   camera   changes   computer   configurations   consistent   continued   convinced   coordinate   copying   cores   cpu   decided   declares   did   down   each   effects   exactly   experiments   Experiments   fairly   file   files   finally   fixed   Flex   for   fourth   from   Further   future   Generally   get   getting   grew   had   handed   happy   head   if   image   images   immediately   in   incorrectly   install   Installing   into   later   left   lighting   lights   lit   long   look   made   manually   match   matching   Maya   Miscellany   missing   mock   moments   more   My   my   needed   noticed   now   object   of   On   on   once   one   only   Open   or   other   path   pbrt   per   personal   pixel   plug   point   position   preference   problems   projects   proven   pure   put   quickly   rather   real   realize   realized   render   rendered   Rendering   rendering   renders   resolution   right   rotation   S2005   same   sample   samples   satisfied   see   seemed   seems   setting   since   so   softly   Solution   space   spaces   sphere   stand   superstition   supposed   suspect   system   taking   test   than   that   The   the   there   this   time   tiny   tired   to   took   try   tweak   tweaked   tweaking   two   until   up   used   using   valuable   value   version   very   waiting   was   we   were   where   while   will   with   work   working   world   would  


Assignment 1

Installing pbrt

I built pbrt using VS2005 on XP. My first error came from spaces in the pbrt path. Another error came from incorrectly setting the VS Solution's path to OpenEXR. I was convinced at one point that the calls to Bison and Flex were missing a space, and that adding a space had fixed my build problems, but this since proven to be pure superstition.


I quickly grew tired of waiting so long for each 300x300 render to see the effects of my tiny changes. I decided to mock up my lighting in Maya, where I could position lights in real-time and get accurate renders very quickly. I used a sphere as a stand-in for the head. I continued using Maya to mock up my lighting for each of the four renders, copying the position and rotation of each object into the pbrt file once I was satisfied. The match was fairly accurate and from there I would manually tweak the pbrt file until I was happy. I noticed very quickly that only one of the cpu-cores in my computer would work on a render and took to working on two files at once: tweaking one while the other rendered or rendering both images at once. On the fourth image I finally realized the value of taking down the image resolution and samples per pixel for test renders.

Miscellany & Experiments

  • I did not realize until moments ago that we were supposed to try and match the sample images exactly. I used the the same lighting configurations but tweaked the look more to my personal preference than to matching the sample images. Generally, my images are more softly lit.
  • I was baffled by the coordinate system. The book declares pbrt to be left-handed but any change I made seemed more consistent with a right-handed system. I now suspect that my changes were in camera-space rather than world-space. Further experiments are needed.
  • I attempted to install a pbrt plug-in for Maya but it did not immediately work. The plug-in was built for a later version than I had on my PC. I will put more time into getting this working if it seems valuable for future projects.