The following 153 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

able   affects   along   an   and   anyone   area   assignment   at   away   axis   because   becomes   beneficial   bit   build   By   by   came   configuration   correct   craft   creating   decided   development   difficulties   each   enable   especially   even   example   executable   experienced   fact   few   fewer   filenames   finding   fixed   For   for   found   from   get   getting   grainy   had   help   home   how   However   idea   ideas   if   image   in   Installation   installation   installed   installing   instead   into   kind   know   late   latest   let   libraries   library   libtiff   light   lights   like   link   Linux   looking   low   machine   machines   me   more   Most   most   moving   much   my   Myth   number   of   older   on   Once   one   only   Open   own   parameter   please   point   problem   problematic   problems   ran   related   Rendering   rendering   run   samples   scenes   script   set   since   sizes   smoothly   so   So   soft   some   speed   stable   still   switch   switched   techniques   that   The   the   then   there   things   This   this   though   time   to   tried   trouble   try   up   use   used   useful   using   various   vary   version   very   was   wasn   week   went   when   working  



I tried installing PBRT on my home Linux machine and ran into a few difficulties. Most of the problems that I experienced came from the fact that I installed the latest development version of OpenEXR (1.5.0) instead of the latest stable version (1.4.0). Once I switched to the older version, most of my problems went away. I also had the problem that my installed version of libtiff had filenames "" and the OpenEXR configuration script was looking for "". I fixed that problem by creating a soft link in my library directory from to I was then able to build PBRT. However, I still wasn't able to run PBRT because the executable had trouble finding some of the libraries related to OpenEXR (even though I had set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the correct directory). By this point, it was getting kind of late in the week, so I decided to switch to the Myth machines and do the first assignment there. The installation on the Myth machines went much more smoothly. I'd still like to get it set up on my own machine, though. So if anyone has any ideas for things for me to try, please let me know.


Once I had PBRT working, I used various techniques to help craft the scenes. I found it beneficial to use fewer samples and low image sizes to speed up rendering. This was a bit problematic for area lights, since when a low number of samples are used, the image becomes very grainy. I tried to only enable one light at a time, especially when using area lights. It was also useful to vary only one parameter on a light at a time to get an idea of how each one affects the image. For example, only moving the light along one axis at a time.
