The following 716 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

14th   1x1   2x2   3x3   4x4   64x64   able   about   above   according   account   accuracy   achieve   acm   across   Adabala   add   added   adjusted   adjustment   afgan   again   against   algorithm   aligned   all   All   alone   along   alot   alpha   am   amount   an   and   And   angle   angles   angular   Animation   anisotropic   another   anywhere   appears   Applications   appoach   approximated   approximation   arbitrarily   archive   area   around   arranges   assumed   at   attached   attachment   away   axis   bake   Based   based   basic   be   became   because   becoming   been   before   believe   bigweave2   bluepaint   both   bottom   bracket   built   but   by   calculated   caltech   camera   can   case   cast   center   cfm   cgg   challenge   Challenges   changes   channel   Chatter   check   chose   cit   citation   citeseer   Cloth   cloth   coarse   coded   Cohen   coll   collisions   color   combination   combinging   compared   complete   complex   complicated   composition   computationally   compute   computed   Computer   conditions   Conf   configuration   Consider   consuming   contents   convergence   coordinates   coords   copies   copying   corner   corrdinates   correctly   cos   cotton   count   created   cube   curved   Dana   dana97reflectance   Daubert   Dec   decimal   degree   dense   depended   describe   designed   desired   detail   determined   developer   didnt   different   differential   Differential   Dischle   distance   dl   doing   done   down   each   easy   edges   edu   effect   effective   effectiveness   effects   Efficient   either   energy   engineering   enough   environments   equivalency   especially   Eurographics   even   evident   explore   eye   fabric   fabrics   fact   factor   failed   failure   fallen   far   Fei   fibers   field   file   Final   final   finally   find   fine   fit   fixed   flat   focus   following   For   for   Forward   found   From   from   frombelow   fromleft   fromright   fromtop   full   functions   Further   future   garments   general   generated   Geometric   Geometry   geometry   get   Ginneken   given   gives   go   goal   Goal   going   Goniometry   gonioreflectometry   got   graphically   Graphics   grazing   great   Greenberg   grid   Groller   Guangzheng   had   half   handed   Hans   happily   hard   having   Heidrich   helpful   hemi   Hemi   high   hit   hits   hours   However   htm   id   if   illustrate   image   Implementation   implementation   implment   important   improve   in   In   incompatible   inconsistent   inconvienent   indened   individual   information   initially   input   integral   interested   interesting   interpolated   interpolating   intersection   interum   into   investigation   irradience   Issue   iterates   its   Jan   Jean   jmp   journal   jpg   Katja   Kautz   knit   knitwear   Koenderink   Lafortune   lafortune97nonlinear   large   larger   layers   left   less   Levenberg   Light   light   like   linear   lined   lines   list   lit   loads   lobe   locally   locations   look   looked   looking   looks   lookup   lower   made   magic   Magnenat   many   map   mapped   mapping   Marquardt   material   materials   matlab   matthewf   maximize   me   means   meant   mesh   meshes   Michel   microscopic   microsoft   microstructure   minimize   mip   missing   model   Modeling   modelled   Modelling   more   most   move   moved   moving   much   must   My   my   Nadia   naturally   Nayar   needed   needs   Neeharika   neighboring   new   no   Non   non   normal   note   nothing   number   objectionable   of   off   offset   on   once   One   one   only   optimization   optimizer   or   order   out   output   outputting   over   overly   own   Page   pages   paper   papers   parallax   parameter   parameters   patches   path   pbrt   Pbrt   pdf   perhaps   perspectives   Peter   phase   phi   photon   physical   pics   picture   pictures   piece   pieces   pixel   place   places   plan   planar   plane   planned   platforms   pleased   pleasing   plugin   png   point   points   portal   positive   power   pp   Precomputed   precreated   pretty   problem   Proceedings   process   produce   produced   project   Project   projects   proper   properties   Proposal   providing   psu   pursue   put   quarter   radiosity   radius   randomness   rates   Rau   ray   rays   reading   Real   really   reason   reasonable   reconstructed   reconstruction   Reconstruction   record   recorded   reference   References   Reflectance   reflectance   reflected   reflecting   reflection   reflections   regular   relating   relative   render   rendered   Rendering   rendering   represent   Representation   representative   represented   representing   required   requires   research   resolution   resolutions   results   Results   reuse   right   rough   routine   sadly   same   sample   sampled   samples   Sampling   sampling   scalar   scale   scaled   scattering   scene   scene105   second   see   seemed   Seidel   Self   self   set   setup   Shading   shading   Shadowing   shadowing   shiny2   shirt   shirts   short   shown   silk   simple   simpler   simplest   simulate   simulated   since   Since   single   site   size   sizes   small   smeared   smohler   smooth   So   so   solution   solving   Some   some   something   somewhat   source   space   spatial   spatially   specific   specified   specify   speed   speedy   spheres   spin   spinning   spline   sqared   square   stages   statically   stich   stiches   stitch   stitches   stored   straight   Strasser   stretching   structure   structured   study   subdivided   subdivision   subject   subsurface   support   surface   Surfaces   table   Table   tables   taking   tangent   tangents   terms   test   Texture   texture   textures   Thalmann   than   that   thats   The   the   their   them   then   There   there   therefor   These   theta   they   thing   things   think   this   This   thought   thread   threads   three   thus   tiff   time   to   To   took   top   Torrance   trace   Transactions   translated   transparency   Transport   travels   treat   triangle   triangles   tried   try   tshirt   Tutorials   tvcg   two   unfortunately   unit   units   unix   up   upper   use   used   uses   Using   using   value   values   van   various   vectors   veiw   version   very   via   View   view   Virtual   virtual   Visibility   visualization   Visualization   Volume   volumetric   want   was   wasnt   wavy   way   we   weave   weaves   weight   went   were   what   When   when   where   which   whose   will   With   with   Wolfgang   work   worked   workshop   World   world   would   woven   Writeup   you   yqxu   zip  


Final Writeup

Rendering Cloth by Virtual Goniometry

Project Goal

My goal was to render an image of a piece of cloth which appears as if the full geometry were used (self shadowing, transparency, and anisotropic reflections) when in fact only a flat surface was input. My plan was to sample the light field about a single stich and reuse that information locally for each point on the surface.


Geometric Modelling: There were two things to be modelled in this project: the basic stitch, and the cloth surface. For the stitch, there core geometry can be specified one by 5 points each for two lines as shown in the picture:

These two threads are approximated by a 5 point spline which is then sampled at a fine resolution to get a dense list of points. Consider the first quarter specified the upper left quarter. The upper right quarter is generated by copying the points from the UL corner and reflecting them across the X = 0 plane. For the lower half of the stitch, copy the upper half and offset it down by 1 unit.

From the spline produced sample points a smooth curved surface is generated by outputting pbrt code for spheres at each point. The code was done so I could change the radius of the spheres and thus the thread with a parameter to try different looks. A value of 7.5% of one unit stich size seemed reasonable graphically. I chose to render with an approximation based on spheres because they are computationally simple to check collisions against compared with the somewhat dense triangle mesh that would have been required to produce a smooth surface.

Here is a picture of the path of a unit stich:

When the stitch is rendered in pbrt, here is what it looks like:

There are many meshes on the internet representing various garments and pieces of simulated cloth. All of the first N I tried either had inconsistent half-edges and were therefor incompatible with the PBRT subdivision routine, or they had inconvienent or missing texture coordinates. The final mesh I used was produced by code found at the following site:

This code worked great for providing an arbitrarily subdivided mesh but required I add in support for texture coordinates.


The goal of the sampling phase is to record the amount of light which hits the eye based: where the light hit the stitch (spatial subdivision), the w_i(phi, theta), and wo(phi, theta). The general appoach is to use a new pbrt camera plugin which iterates over a grid of the above parameters and for each combination, a set of rays is cast to represent the integral of irradience on a single pixel representing the center of the camera.

Forward reference: when using the output of the sampling to render something, it is important to be able to lookup w_i and w_o in shading coordinates since thats all we have in pbrt at the time. Shading corrdinates are based off the surface normal and two tangent vectors computed via the DifferentialGeometry. These tangents are mapped to the x and y axis with the normal becoming the z. It became much simpler to work with once I aligned the sample along the z=0 plane with the camera alone the positive z axis in world coords. Also, texture coordinates went from 0,0 in the -x,-y corner up to 1,1 in the +x,+y corner in world space. With this setup, shading coords and world coords were lined up when doing the rendering.

A grid of 9 copies (3x3) of the basic stich was used where only the center stitch was sampled. This was done to simulate the effect of light reflecting off neighboring stiches. Self shadowing and shadowing of one stitch on another will naturally be produced in the reconstructed image this way.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of each pbrt sample, they were cast from anywhere in the source pixel (hard coded to be .01 units square) to a square on the surface of the sample plane whose size depended on number of spatial samples desired. Since this randomness was designed to improve the accuracy of a single sample and the samples were indened to be at fixed angular locations, both the light and the camera were moved VERY FAR away along their rays so angles were the same to 4 decimal places for any place in the sample set. The requires the power of the light be adjusted by the square of the distance it travels. Further, since a point light source was used, the results were scaled by a factor of PI in order to get units in terms of the energy put off by the source light. The final adjustment was to scale by 1/cos(theta) where theta is the angle of the light with the planar surface *not* the angle of the light with the intersection surface. This is because when we lookup values in this table we will be doing so on a planar surface and the fact that less light is reflected from a microscopic surface on the stitch is at a larger theta angle is going to be correctly reconstructed.

The alpha was recorded along with reflected light and was determined by pbrt as: rays which hit things count as alpha = 1 with some weight, rays which hit nothing have alpha = 0 and also some weight--when all is scaled we end up with and alpha < 1.

In order to compute differential rays I added translated a 1 pixel move in X and Y in camera coords into my pixel size of .01 units.

Data Representation

Pbrt has built in support for materials represented with the Lafortune anisotropic reflection model but no built in support for a table based BRDF so initially I planned to treat my samples as points to be fit against a 2-3 lobe Lafortune model. To do this, I structured a non-linear optimization problem where I would minimize the sqared error of the 5 Lafortune terms. A Levenberg-Marquardt C++ implementation was found on the internet which sadly was more effective and consuming developer time than solving the problem. The bluepaint material in pbrt uses this BRDF so I created a simple plane of bluepaint and sampled it according to my plan but could not get the the optimizer to work (it was meant for unix platforms and didnt go happily to MSFT). When this failed I also tried a matlab version of the Levenberg- Marquardt algorithm but again could not get things to work out. The reason I believe for this failure is a set of 5 configuration values you have to specify which describe convergence rates and conditions which I could not see to find the magic values of.

So plan B: Table based lookup.

For each spatial resolution (1x1, 2x2,4x4 .. 64x64), for each spatial grid point, for each input phi and input theta, and for each output phi and theta I recorded alpha and three color channel values. One complete sampling took around 4-5 hours.


For reconstruction, I created a new material plugin. Since stitches were assumed to be in a regular grid with no material stretching (area of future investigation perhaps) I could map any texture (u,v) to a stitch sample (x,y) if given a scalar relating the relative sizes.

However, since a BSDF is created for each intersection, it needs to be somewhat speedy. To achieve the needed speed I precreated a HemiTable structure which I made which loads the BRDF data from file and arranges it for easy lookup. One HemiTable was made for each spatially sampled area. These tables were stored statically and handed as a reference to each BSDF as it was created.

When looking up a value from the HemiTable, there would be 4 value for w_i and 4 values of w_o which bracket the angles we were given. This means 16 values must be interpolated to get the final BRDF value. One interesting thing to note here is that coarse subdivision will be subject to parallax effects when interpolating which gives a smeared out view especially evident for grazing angles. I got around this by having enough sample points that it wasnt overly objectionable.

I was unfortunately not able to implment proper use of the alpha values and mip-mapping equivalency from different resolutions.


Shadowing and self-shadowing pleased me the most. When rendering a scene with only two triangles made into a plane with their material set to knitwear, it really looked like ALOT more geometry.

View of knitwear lit from the top:

View lit from bottom:

View lit from left:

View lit from right:

And finally a veiw of the afgan:



This project was a large engineering challenge for me. There were many interum stages which each required a reasonable solution before I could view even the simplest image. I think alot of projects explore specific things like subsurface scattering or volumetric photon mapping. In my case I found virtual gonioreflectometry to be very interesting and thought cloth was a great thing to study since its a pretty complicated thing with many layers.


Lafortune, E.P.F., Foo, S.-C., Torrance, K.E. & Greenberg, D. Non-linear approximation of reflectance functions. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH (1997) pp. 117-126.

K. Dana, B. van Ginneken, S. Nayar, and J. Koenderink, "Reflectance and Texture of Real-World Surfaces," IEEE Conf. on CVPR, p. 151, 1997.

Neeharika Adabala, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Guangzheng Fei, "Visualization of woven cloth", 14th Eurographics workshop :

Modeling and visualization of knitwear Groller, E.; Rau, R.T.; Strasser, W. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on Volume 1, Issue 4, Dec 1995 Page(s):302 - 310

HAUTH M., ETZMUSS O., EBERHARDT B., KLEIN R., SARLETTE R., SATTLER M., DAUBER K., KAUTZ J.: Cloth Animation and Rendering. In Eurographics 2002 Tutorials (2002). 73, 79

M. Cohen and D. Greenberg. The hemi-cube, a radiosity solution for complex environments. In Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '85 Proceedings), pages 31--40, 1985.

Katja Daubert, Jan Kautz, Hans-Peter Seidel, Wolfgang Heidrich, Jean-Michel Dischle,:"Efficient Light Transport Using Precomputed Visibility" IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications archive Volume 23 , Issue 3 (May 2003) table of contents

Project Proposal

I am interested in rendering fabrics in a pleasing way by taking into account their knit microstructure (combinging threads into cloth) and the composition of the threads (material and spinning structure).

I have attached 4 pictures of shirts I own that are made of different or have different weaves to the fabric. Based on the weave, there is some degree of self-shadowing and also transparency. My rough goal is to ray trace a representative small piece of the cloth in high detail and then bake the calculated BRDF, shadowing, and transparency into textures which can then be used to render larger patches of cloth.

The physical properties of moving cloth or cloth after it has fallen are not the focus of what I want to pursue.

So far I have two papers which look helpful and I am in the process of reading them:

A microsoft paper looking at cloth from many different perspectives:

A short paper looking at the individual fibers in a cloth:

Some pics from second that illustrate microstructure:

Some pics of my shirt fabric, VERY LARGE:

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