The following 109 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

200x200   about   absolute   alot   and   annoying   area   around   Assignment   at   backwards   basics   be   because   casts   compiled   cygwin   deprecated   elements   environment   escaping   Experimentation   experiments   fails   file   for   from   geometry   get   getting   given   head   hit   home   images   in   Installation   instead   into   invoke   just   kept   lib   light   location   matrices   me   mechanisms   miniture   Most   most   my   needed   No   of   on   One   only   open   Open   orientation   path   paths   pbrt   played   provide   really   relative   rendered   Rendering   risky   S2005   samples   scene   set   shapes   Since   So   sources   special   specify   spots   stuff   style   that   the   There   thing   to   took   transformation   trouble   trying   understand   unix   uses   variable   various   warnings   was   ways   were   when   while   win32   with   within   work   you  


Assignment 1

PBRT Installation

I compiled PBRT on VS2005 at home. There were alot of warnings about risky casts and deprecated C-lib stuff. OpenEXR paths needed to be absolute instead of relative.

One really annoying thing that took me a while to understand: I was trying to invoke pbrt from within cygwin and set PBRT_SEARCHPATH with a unix style path. Since pbrt uses win32 file open mechanisms it fails when given unix paths. So to get it work you have to do alot of escaping to get a win32 style path into a cygwin environment variable.


I rendered most images in miniture (200x200) with only 2 samples for area light sources. Most of the trouble spots I hit were because I kept getting the geometry backwards in my head when trying to specify various scene elements.


No special experiments, just played around alot with the basics of transformation matrices and ways to provide location and orientation info for shapes.
