The following 210 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

150x150   affected   although   and   angle   area   around   Assignment   at   away   back   bash   be   best   between   bin   binaries   binary   bit   bother   build   building   Built   but   by   camera   can   changed   changing   closer   color   computing   conceptually   config   configure   convert   correctly   default   dependency   detail   did   didn   direction   directly   distance   distant   down   dropped   each   enough   environment   errors   Experimentation   exr   exrtools   exrtopng   fairly   farther   file   files   focal   for   found   from   G4   gave   geometric   get   gets   getting   giving   go   greatly   had   Having   heavyweight   helped   how   if   ignored   image   images   important   in   install   Installation   intensity   its   keep   kept   large   learn   length   light   lighting   like   Linux   logs   longer   look   looks   loops   Mac   machine   made   make   makes   manipulated   me   mesh   messed   minute   more   most   much   my   natively   of   on   one   open   Open   parameter   parameters   part   pbrt   per   pixel   pkg   png   Powerbook   previous   Process   profile   properties   proportion   proportional   random   recreate   reduce   Render   renders   required   requires   resolution   resources   right   same   sample   samples   scene   script   seconds   see   sense   set   settings   shadow   shadows   ships   similar   Since   since   small   smooth   smoothly   so   some   space   spread   standard   still   submit   Summary   supported   terms   than   That   that   the   they   thinking   This   time   to   To   too   took   tools   track   transformations   tried   trying   tweaked   typically   use   used   using   usr   variables   view   vs   warnings   was   when   which   while   with   work   zip  


Assignment 1 Summary


Built pbrt fairly smoothly on Mac OS X 10.4 PPC, using the standard ./configure, make, make installpbrt 1.03 also required OpenEXR as a dependency and building that was smooth although the configure script gave me some random warnings/errors that I ignored.  OpenEXR tools did not build but I didn't bother much with it since OS X can open .exr files by default.

Having to change my .bash_profile to set environment variables is a bit more heavyweight than most binaries I typically work with.

Render Process

To make best use of my time and computing resources (a Powerbook G4), it was important for me to reduce the resolution down to 150x150, area samples to 1, mesh loops to 1, and 1 sample per pixelThis dropped computing time from 1 minute down to 10 seconds while still giving me enough detail to see if I was getting in the right direction.

I kept logs of previous settings / images and changed one parameter at a time between renders so I could keep track of how each parameter affected shadows / lighting in the imageThis helped me greatly when I tweaked it too much and found I had to go back to a previous set of parameters.


I tried to recreate the same lighting scene by changing the distance and focal angle of the camera in proportion with its intensityThat is, a distant light with a small spread can be made to look similar to a closer light with a large spread if the light color is manipulated correctly.  It took me a while to get used to thinking in terms of camera space for geometric transformations.

I messed around a bit with trying to learn the properties between distance of camera vs. shadow length.  It looks like they are directly proportional (the farther away the camera is, the longer the shadow gets).  This makes sense to me, conceptually.


This binary ships as part of exrtools, which requires /usr/bin/pkg-config, not supported by default on Mac OS X.  Since OS X can view .exr files natively, I didn't submit .png in my zip file since it requires me to use a Linux machine to convert.
