
VkHypViewer is the ViewKit/Xt layer on top of the base HypView class. #ifdef HYPXT

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Class Summary

class VkHypViewer
VkHypViewer(const char *name, Widget top, Widget parent, XVisualInfo *vi );
const char *className();
void init();
HypView* getHypView() const ;
static void eventHandlerCB(Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XEvent *event, Boolean *flag);
static void initCallback(Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData);
}; // VkHypViewer


After initialization, getHypView() should be used to get the HypView object, which is the main interface to the functionality of the library. Although this class is called VkHypViewer for historical reasons, most people will want to use the Xt flavor as opposed to the ViewKit flavor.


 Tamara Munzner

VkHypViewer(const char *name, Widget top, Widget parent, XVisualInfo *vi );

Initialization. Arguments: name string, top-level widget of window, parent widget for drawing area, XVisualInfo for the window. If no XVisualInfo given, fallback is RGBA doublebuffered with maximum possible red, green, blue, and depth buffers.



const char *className();

Classname method as required by ViewKit.

void init();

Initialization callback used by afterRealizeHook and/or initCallback() can also be called directly if necessary.

HypView* getHypView() const ;

Return the HypView object which is the main interface to the functionality of the library.

Function is currently defined inline.

void eventHandlerCB(Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XEvent *event, Boolean *flag);

Handle the Xt events. Calls the HypView mouse(), motion(), passive(), reshape(), idle(), drawFrame() callbacks.

void initCallback(Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData);

Calls the init() function.

All Members

const char *className();
void init();
HypView* getHypView() const ;
static void eventHandlerCB(Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XEvent *event, Boolean *flag);
static void initCallback(Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData);


Class does not inherit from any other class.


Class is not inherited by any others.

Generated from source by the Cocoon utilities on Thu May 9 17:52:06 2002 .