
About myself

My name is Matthias Niessner and I am a Visiting Assistant Professor with the MPC-VCC in Pat Hanrahan's group at Stanford University. Previously, I graduated from the University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, where I was working on my PhD under the supervision of Guenther Greiner. I completed my thesis about real-time Rendering Subdivision Surfaces using Hardware Tessellation in 2013. I was also fortunate enough to spend several summers working with Charles Loop and Shahram Izadi at Microsoft Research.

On this site you will find a list of my publications as well as some information about our projects (not necessarily all research-focused). Currently, we are working on several exciting research projects in various areas of Computer Graphics and Computer Vision. These include the reconstruction of 3D geometry in real-time, semantic scene understanding, and real-time rendering. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, or if you are interested any sort of collaboration.

      --Matthias Niessner