Applying for Graduate Schools (Mostly relevant for Computing Science)

Stanford Harvard
Quad of Stanford Memorial hall of Harvard

"A true passion will take you to places where sheer hard work and obligation won't"


I got admitted into a Ph.D program only a couple of months before the time of writing this and I am still trying to figure out a lot of things myself. Therefore, I am certainly not the best person to advise anyone on the Ph.D admission process and the life after. Following are few stuffs that I found useful for myself and some materials of the talk that I had given at North South University on 21st of June, 2011. However, this talk was only my personal and humble opinion which may not be the best.

The following materials are mostly relevant for computing science and maybe some engineering too.
  • My Talk at North South University

    • Presentation slides (PDF).
      **NOTE**: This talk was targetted mainly towards Computing Science and therefore the fact about GRE may not be true for other fields of study.
    • Sample Statements of Purpose (SOP).
      **WARNING**: These SOPs are only meant to be used as samples. Copying them, even with changes, will be considered plagiarism and is a severe offence. Admission committee often do google searches and if any form of plagiarism is detected your chances of admission will be reduced to practically zero! Please do not copy these SOPs even with minor changes!
    • Sample recommendation letter:
      **NOTE**: Considering several factors and authorship related issues I have decided not to upload any sample recommendation letters. However they maybe made available only to faculties or potential recommenders upon request.

"Sometimes you just need to ask, at worst they will say no!"