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Singly Linked Lists ( slist )


An instance L of the parameterized data type slist<E> is a sequence of items (slist_item). Each item in L contains an element of data type E, called the element type of L. The number of items in L is called the length of L. If L has length zero it is called the empty list. In the sequel < x > is used to denote a list item containing the element x and L[i] is used to denote the contents of list item i in L.

#include < LEDA/slist.h >


slist<E> L creates an instance L of type slist<E> and initializes it to the empty list.

slist<E> L(E x) creates an instance L of type slist<E> and initializes it to the one-element list < x >.


int L.length() returns the length of L.

int L.size() returns L.length().

bool L.empty() returns true if L is empty, false otherwise.

slist_item L.first() returns the first item of L.

slist_item L.last() returns the last item of L.

slist_item L.succ(slist_item it) returns the successor item of item it, nil if it = L.last().
Precondition it is an item in L.

slist_item L.cyclic_succ(slist_item it)
    returns the cyclic successor of item it, i.e., L.first() if it = L.last(), L.succ(it) otherwise.

E L.contents(slist_item it) returns the contents L[it] of item it.
Precondition it is an item in L.

E L.inf(slist_item it) returns L.contents(it).
Precondition it is an item in L.

E L.head() returns the first element of L, i.e. the contents of L.first().
Precondition L is not empty.

E L.tail() returns the last element of L, i.e. the contents of L.last().
Precondition L is not empty.

slist_item L.push(E x) adds a new item < x > at the front of L and returns it.

slist_item L.append(E x) appends a new item < x > to L and returns it.

slist_item L.insert(E x, slist_item pos)
    inserts a new item < x > after item pos into L and returns it.
Precondition it is an item in L.

E L.pop() deletes the first item from L and returns its contents.
Precondition L is not empty.

void L.del_succ_item(slist_item it)
    deletes the successor of item it from L.
Precondition it is an item in L and has a successor.

void L.conc(slist<E>& L1) appends list L1 to list L and makes L1 the empty list.
Precondition L ! =  L1.

E& L[slist_item it] returns a reference to the contents of it.

slist_item L += E x appends a new item < x > to L and returns it.

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LEDA research project