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Design Organization and Summary

The requirements for the design where defined by Prosser and Winkel and the PD-P8 system manual. This included all of the instruction and register requirements. Prosser and Winkel discussed most of the design issues, so a lot of our design is based off of their work.

The main goal in designing the PD-PP was to keep the design flexible to allow changes to be made and features added as the implementation proceeded. This let us add more features given time constraints and ideas which we had during the two months spent building the PD-PP

The second goal was to keep the design easily debug-able. This included keeping the internal state as minimal as possible while adding features that made testing easier.

As a result of these goals we decided to have the following features which are differences from the Prosser and Winkel design.

Ian A. Buck
Mon Apr 20 20:49:25 EDT 1998