Stanford CS348V, Winter 2018

This page contains lecture slides and recommended readings for the Winter 2018 offering of CS348V.

Required Reading:

The required reading for this class is not an academic technical paper, but a whitepaper from Intel describing the architectural geometry of their latest GPU. This processor is particularly notable because it is the integrated GPU that will be in most mid-2016 and later Core i5 or i7 processors -- the marketing name is HD Graphics 530 (or larger).

I'd like you to read the whitepaper, focusing on the description of the processor in Sections 5.3-5.5. Then, given your knowledge of the concepts discussed in lecture (such as superscalar, multi-core, multi-threading, etc), I'd like you to describe the features of the processor (using terms from the lecture, not Intel terms).

Pro tip: Consider your favorite data-parallel language, such as GLSL/HLSL shading languages, CUDA, OpenCL, ISPC, or just an OpenMP #pragma parallel for, and make sure you can think through how an embarrassingly parallel for loop can be lowered to these architectures. (You don't need to write this down, but you could.)

Students wanting to go farther might also be interested in also reading the NVIDIA P100 or GTX 980 whitepapers also linked below. Then you could make a table contrasting the geometry of: a modern AVX-capable Intel CPU, Intel Integrated Graphics (Gen9), NVIDIA GPUs, and any other processor you might be interested in, such as Intel Knights Corner, AMD GPUs, etc.

Further Reading:
There is no required reading for this lecture.
Further Reading:
Required Reading:
Further Reading:
Required Reading:
Further Reading:
Further reading on the light field:
Further reading on VR content acquisition:
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Required Reading:
Further Reading:
There is no required reading for this lecture.
Further Reading:
There is no required reading for this lecture.
Further Reading:
Further Reading on Texture Compression:
Further Reading on Depth Compression:
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