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Segment Traits using the LEDA Rational Kernel (Arr_leda_segment_exact_traits)

We supply a traits class that uses LEDA's rational kernel - Arr_leda_segment_exact_traits. The class handles finite line segments in the plane and uses the LEDA rational kernel (Point is of type leda_rat_point, Curve and X_curve are of type leda_rat_segment). The predicates make use of LEDA's primitive predicates (e.g., orientation) that are implemented using floating point ``filters'' [FvW96] which speed up the use of exact computations. Normalization of the intersection points is performed which speeds up computations since the bitlength of the points stays relatively small.

#include <CGAL/Arr_leda_segment_exact_traits.h>

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The GALIA project. Jan 18, 2000.