A subset of the plane is convex if with any two points and in the set the line segment with endpoints and is contained in . The convex hull of a set is the smallest convex set containing . The convex hull of a set of points is a convex polygon with vertices in . A point in is an extreme point (with respect to ) if it is a vertex of the convex hull of .
CGAL provides functions computing the counterclockwise sequence of extreme points for a set of points, i.e. the counterclockwise sequence of points on the convex hull of the set of points. Furthermore, functions computing special extreme points are provided. Finally, there are functions that check whether a given sequence of points forms a (counter)clockwise convex polygon.
The last parameter Traits in the convex hull and extreme point functions is a traits class that defines the primitives that are used in the algorithms. For example Traits::Point_2 is a mapping on a point class.
CGAL provides implementations of convex hull traits classes as
described in . A default
implementation convex_hull_traits_2<R> is provided
for the two-dimensional CGAL kernel.
This traits class is used in default versions of the functions that do not
have a traits class parameter. Such default versions exists for all the
functions specified below.
Own convex hull traits classes can be designed according to the
requirements for such traits classes listed in
#include <CGAL/convex_hull_2.h>
Besides the default algorithm for computing convex hulls, implementations
of some classical convex hull algorithms are available, with the same semantics
as the default algorithm.
#include <CGAL/ch_akl_toussaint.h>
| ||||
| |||
TRAITS: uses Traits::Point_2, Traits::Less_xy, Traits::Less_yx, Traits::Right_of_line, and Traits::Leftturn. |
#include <CGAL/ch_graham_andrew.h>
| ||||
| |||
TRAITS: operates on Traits::Point_2 using Traits::Leftturn and Traits::Less_xy. |
#include <CGAL/ch_eddy.h>
| ||||
| |||
TRAITS: uses the types Traits::Point_2, Traits::Less_dist_to_line, Traits::Right_of_line, and Traits::Less_xy. |
#include <CGAL/ch_bykat.h>
| ||||
| |||
TRAITS: uses the types Traits::Point_2, Traits::Less_dist_to_line, Traits::Right_of_line, and Traits::Less_xy. |
#include <CGAL/ch_jarvis.h>
| ||||
| |||
TRAITS: uses types Traits::Point_2, Traits::Less_rotate_ccw, and Traits::Less_xy. |
#include <CGAL/basic.h> #include <list> #include <CGAL/Cartesian.h> #include <CGAL/Point_2.h> #include <CGAL/convex_hull_2.h> #include <CGAL/Polygon_2.h> using namespace std; typedef CGAL::Cartesian<int> RepCls; typedef CGAL::Point_2<RepCls> Point_2; typedef CGAL::Polygon_2<RepCls, list<Point_2> > Polygon_2; int main() { Polygon_2 CH; istream_iterator< Point_2, ptrdiff_t > in_start( cin ); istream_iterator< Point_2, ptrdiff_t > in_end; CGAL::convex_hull_points_2( in_start, in_end, inserter(CH, CH.vertices_begin()) ); CGAL::Window_stream W( 512, 512, 50, 50); W.init( -256.0, 255.0, -256.0); W << CH; Point_2 p; W >> p; // wait for mouse click in window return 0; }
#include <CGAL/convex_hull_2.h>
| ||||
| |||
generates the counterclockwise sequence of extreme points
on the lower hull of the points in the range [first,
beyond). The resulting sequence is placed starting at
position result, and the past-the-end iterator for
the resulting sequence is returned.
The sequence starts with the leftmost point,
the rightmost point is not included.
If there is only one extreme point (i.e. leftmost and
rightmost point are equal) the extreme point is reported. Precondition: The source range [first,beyond) does not contain result. TRAITS: uses Traits::Point_2, Traits::Less_xy, Traits::Less_yx, Traits::Right_of_line, and Traits::Leftturn. | ||||
| ||||
| |||
generates the counterclockwise sequence of extreme points
on the upper hull of the points in the range [first,
beyond). The resulting sequence is placed starting at
position result, and the past-the-end iterator for
the resulting sequence is returned.
The sequence starts with the rightmost point,
the leftmost point is not included.
If there is only one extreme point (i.e. leftmost and
rightmost point are equal) the extreme point is not reported. Precondition: The source range [first,beyond) does not contain result. TRAITS: uses Traits::Point_2, Traits::Less_xy, Traits::Less_yx, Traits::Right_of_line, and Traits::Leftturn. |
The different treatment of the case that all points are equal ensures that concatenation of lower and upper hull points gives the sequence of extreme points.
#include <CGAL/ch_melkman.C>
| ||||
| |||
generates the counterclockwise sequence of extreme points
of the points in the range [first, beyond), provided that
the sequence of points must correspond to a simple polyline.
The resulting sequence is placed starting at
position result, and the past-the-end iterator for
the resulting sequence is returned. Precondition: The source range [first,beyond) corresponds to a simple polyline. [first,beyond) does not contain result. TRAITS: uses Traits::Point_2, Traits::Less_xy and Traits::Leftturn. |
CGAL provides some functions to compute certain subsequences of the sequence of extreme points on the convex hull.
| ||||
| |||
generates the counterclockwise ordered subsequence of
extreme points between start_p and stop_p of the points in the
range [first,beyond), starting at position result with point
start_p. The last point generated is the point preceding
stop_p in the counterclockwise order of extreme points. Precondition: start_p and stop_p are extreme points with respect to the points in the range [first,beyond) and stop_p is an element of range [first,beyond). TRAITS: uses Traits::Less_rotate_ccw. | ||||
| ||||
| |||
computes the sorted sequence of extreme points which are
not left of , where is the value of first and is
the value of beyond . It reports this sequence counterclockwise
in a range starting at result, starting with ; point is omitted. Precondition: The range [first,beyond) contains at least two different points. The points in [first,beyond) are ``sorted'' with respect to , i.e. the sequence of points in [first,beyond) define a counterclockwise polygon, for which the Graham-Sklansky-procedure works. TRAITS: uses Traits::Leftturn operating on the point type Traits::Point_2. |
In the following example ch_graham_andrew_scan() is used to
realize Anderson's variant [And78] of the Graham Scan [Gra72].
The points are sorted
counterclockwise around the leftmost point using the Less_rotate_ccw
predicate, see .
According to the definition of Less_rotate_ccw, the leftmost
point is the last point in the sorted sequence and its predecessor
on the convex hull is the first point in the sorted sequence.
It is not hard to see that the precondition of
ch_graham_andrew_scan() are satisfied.
template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class Traits> OutputIterator ch_graham_anderson( InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond, OutputIterator result, const Traits& ch_traits) { typedef typename Traits::Less_xy Less_xy; typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Traits::Less_rotate_ccw Less_rotate_ccw; if (first == beyond) return result; vector< Point_2 > V; copy( first, beyond, back_inserter(V) ); vector< Point_2 >::iterator it = min_element(V.begin(), V.end(), Less_xy()); sort( V.begin(), V.end(), Less_rotate_ccw(*it) ); if ( *(V.begin()) == *(V.rbegin()) ) { *result = *(V.begin()); ++result; return result; } return ch_graham_andrew_scan( V.begin(), V.end(), res, ch_traits); }Anderson's variant of the Graham scan is usually inferior to Andrew's variant because of its higher arithmetic demand.
#include <CGAL/ch_selected_extreme_points_2.h>
| ||||
| |||
traverses the range [first,beyond).
After execution, the value of
n is an iterator in the range such that *n
*it for all iterators it in the range. Similarly, for
s, w, and e the inequalities *s
*it, *w *it, and *e
*it hold respectively for all iterators
it in the range. TRAITS: uses the types Traits::Less_xy, and Traits::Less_yx. |
Analogously, we have
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| ||||
| |||
| ||||
| |||
| ||||
| |||
| ||||
| |||
| ||||
| ||||
| |||
returns true, iff the point elements in
form a counterclockwise oriented strongly convex polygon. TRAITS: uses Traits::Leftturn and Traits::Less_xy. | ||||
| ||||
| |||
returns true, iff the point elements in
form a clockwise oriented strongly convex polygon. TRAITS: uses Traits::rightturn() and Traits::Less_xy. |
The convex hull algorithms in Section are
parameterized with a traits class Traits. Besides the traits class
convex_hull_traits_2<R> used in the default versions of
the functions, CGAL provides a traits class
convex_hull_constructive_traits_2<R> which also uses
CGAL primitives and reuses intermediate results to
speed up computation.
Requirements on a traits class for convex hull algorithms are listed in
The convex hull algorithms in Section are
parameterized with a traits class Traits which defines the
primitives (objects and predicates) that the convex hull algorithms use.
The following catalog lists the primitives involved in the
convex hull and extreme point functions. The primitives that are actually
required for a function are listed with the specification of the function
in Section
Available convex hull traits classes implementations provided by CGAL are described in Section .
#include <CGAL/convex_hull_3.h>
| ||||
| |||
Computes the convex hull polyhedron of the points in the range [first,beyond) and
assigns it to P. Precondition: Value type of the iterator and the point type of the Polyhedron are Point_3<R> for some representation class R. |
The following example uses CGAL's 3D random point generator Random_points_in_sphere_3<>, which generates random points on a sphere, and CGAL's STL extension function copy_n, which copies elements.
#include <CGAL/Cartesian.h> #include <CGAL/Point_3.h> #include <CGAL/point_generators_3.h> #include <CGAL/copy_n.h> #include <CGAL/Halfedge_data_structure_polyhedron_default_3.h> #include <CGAL/Polyhedron_default_traits_3.h> #include <CGAL/Polyhedron_3.h> #include <CGAL/IO/Polyhedron_geomview_ostream.h> #include <CGAL/convex_hull_3.h> #include <vector> /* representation class */ typedef CGAL::Cartesian<double> RepCls; /* define polyhedron type */ typedef CGAL::Halfedge_data_structure_polyhedron_default_3<RepCls> HDS; typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_default_traits_3<RepCls> PolyTraits; typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_3< PolyTraits, HDS> Polyhedron; /* define point creator */ typedef CGAL::Point_3<RepCls> Point; typedef CGAL::Creator_uniform_3<double,Point> PointCreator; using namespace std; int main() { /* generate 250 points randomly on a sphere of radius 100.0 */ Random_points_in_sphere_3< Point, PointCreator> gen(100.0); /* and copy them to a vector */ vector<Point> V; CGAL::copy_n( gen, 250, back_inserter(V) ); /* define polyhedron to hold convex hull */ Polyhedron P; /* compute convex hull */ CGAL::convex_hull_3( V.begin(), V.end(), P); /* visualize it using geomview - wait for mouse click */ CGAL::Geomview_stream gvs; gvs << P; Point click; gvs >> click; }