At the bottom level, a vertex provides access to one of its incident cells through a void* pointer. It can also optionally store a point. The information about the point is in fact not used by the triangulation data structure class provided by CGAL and is therefore only optional when this triangulation data structure class is used alone. It becomes compulsory when the triangulation data structure is used as a layer for the geometric triangulation class. (See Section .)
| |
Must be the same as the point type Traits::Point defined by the
geometric traits class of the triangulation. Optional for the
triangulation data structure alone.
| |
Default constructor
| |
| |
Constructs a vertex whose geometric emdedding is point
p. Optional for the triangulation data structure
| |
| |
Constructs a vertex emdedded in point p and pointing to cell
c. Optional for the triangulation data structure alone.
| |
| |
Constructs a vertex pointing to cell c.
| Returns the point. Optional for the triangulation data structure alone. |
| Returns the pointer to an incident cell |
| |
Sets the point. Optional for the triangulation data structure alone. | ||
| |
Sets the incident cell. |
| |
Performs any desired geometric test on a vertex. Checks that the pointer to an incident cell is not NULL. |