FCam::_DNGFrame | A _Frame struct with added custom fields to encode DNG fields and a DNG thumbnail |
FCam::_Frame | A struct containing the data that makes up a Frame |
FCam::Action | An abstract base class for actions |
FCam::AsyncFileWriter | The AsyncFileWriter saves frames in a low priority background thread |
FCam::AutoFocus | This class does autofocus, by sweeping the sensor back and forth until a nice thing to focus on is found |
FCam::CopyableAction< Derived > | For convenience, derived FCam::Action Action classes may inherit from this so they don't have to implement the FCam::Action::copy method |
FCam::Device | An abstract base class for devices |
FCam::DNGFrame | A DNGFrame is constructed by loadDNG, and contains all the metadata found in a DNG file |
FCam::Dummy::Sensor | The Dummy simulator image sensor class |
FCam::Dummy::Shot | Dummy::Shot collects parameters for simulating a frame capture with the Dummy sensor |
FCam::Event | An Event marks a change in device state or an error condition |
FCam::EventGenerator | A base class for things that generate events |
FCam::F2::_Frame | A _Frame struct with added custom fields for the extra F2 capabilities |
FCam::F2::Flash | An F2 specific Flash Device for Phidgets triggered flash units |
FCam::F2::Flash::StrobeStartAction | This action marks the beginning of a strobing sequence on a strobe enabled flash unit |
FCam::F2::Flash::StrobeStopAction | This action marks the end of a strobing sequence on a strobe enabled flash unit |
FCam::F2::Frame | F2::Frame is data returned by an F2::Sensor as a result of a shot |
FCam::F2::Lens | The F2 Lens device |
FCam::F2::PhidgetDevice | A manager and base class for Phidgets based devices |
FCam::F2::PhidgetFlash | A helper class for the F2::Flash class that handles Phidget communications |
FCam::F2::Sensor | F2::Sensor manages the Aptina MT9P031 image sensor on the F2 Frankencamera |
FCam::F2::Shot | F2::Shot collects parameters for capturing a frame with support for all the parameters of the F2 Frankencamera |
FCam::F2::ShutterButton | A simple shutter button class that generates an FCam::Event each time the Phidget based shutter button is pressed or released |
FCam::Flash | An abstract base class for camera flashes |
FCam::Flash::FireAction | An action to fire the flash during an exposure |
FCam::Flash::Tags | A flash adds the tags "flash.brightness", "flash.start", "flash.duration", and "flash.peak", as described below |
FCam::Frame | Data returned by the sensor as a result of a shot |
FCam::Histogram | A histogram returned by the histogram generator |
FCam::HistogramConfig | The configuration of the histogram generator |
FCam::Image | A reference-counted Image object |
FCam::Lens | An abstract base class for lens devices, to establish a uniform interface to common lens functions |
FCam::Lens::ApertureAction | An Action to initiate a change in aperture during an exposure (for example, for apodization) |
FCam::Lens::FocusAction | An Action to initiate a change in focus during an exposure (for example, for rubber focus) |
FCam::Lens::Tags | A lens adds the following tags to a frame: "lens.focus", "lens.focusSpeed", "lens.initialFocus", "lens.finalFocus", "lens.zoom", "lens.zoomSpeed", "lens.initialZoom", "lens.finalZoom", "lens.aperture", "lens.apertureSpeed", "lens.initialAperture", "lens.finalAperture" |
FCam::Lens::ZoomAction | An Action to initiate a change in zoom during an exposure (for example, for zoom blur) |
FCam::N900::Flash | The LED flash on the Nokia N900 |
FCam::N900::Frame | The N900 Frame class |
FCam::N900::Lens | The Lens on the Nokia N900 |
FCam::N900::Sensor | The N900 Image Sensor class |
FCam::Rect | A class to represent rectangles, like regions of an image |
FCam::Sensor | A base class for image sensors |
FCam::SharpnessMap | A sharpness map returned by the sharpness map generator |
FCam::SharpnessMapConfig | The configuration of the sharpness map generator |
FCam::Shot | Shot collects parameters for capturing a frame |
FCam::Size | A class to represent sizes of two dimensional objects like images |
FCam::TagValue | The values with which a Device can tag a Frame |
FCam::Time | Time represents a wall clock time |
FCam::TSQueue< T > | Basic thread-safe consumer/producer queue |