The following 773 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

348b   able   about   above   account   accurate   accurately   actual   actually   adapted   adaptive   add   added   adequate   adjust   again   algorithm   aliasing   aligning   all   alleviate   allowed   along   already   although   am   ambient   amd   amount   an   An   analyzing   and   And   angle   Another   another   anti   anyway   apparent   applied   apply   approach   Approach   approaches   appropriately   area   around   article2085   articles   artifact   artifacts   artifacts1   asp   aspects   assumed   at   ati   attachment   attempt   attempting   attribute   Author   available   average   avoid   away   back   bad   bane   based   basic   basically   be   beautiful   because   become   been   before   began   believe   below   better   bit   blur   blurry   body   book   both   bottom   bounce   bright   brighter   Brownian   bump   Bump   but   By   by   calculate   calculated   calculating   came   camera   can   case   caustic   caustics   certain   certainly   changes   check   choices   chooses   class   cleaner   close   closely   cloud   clouds   clouds1   colormapping1   colormapping2   coming   complicated   component   computed   computing   Conclusion   connected   considered   consisted   contribute   control   coordinates   correct   corresponding   cosine   cover   covered   created   creates   creating   current   dark   David   davidtrainor   deal   dealing   decided   decreasing   density   derive   Description   desired   determine   developer   dew   did   different   difficult   Difficulties   direct   direction   distance   distances   done   dots   down   droplets   drops   due   Due   During   each   easy   edge   effect   effects   efficient   either   elias   Encountered   ended   enough   entire   environment   environmental   equations   equivalent   estimate   even   everything   exact   example   examples   except   execute   expanded   explained   extend   extra   extremely   fact   faded   fairly   far   Fbm   feature   felt   few   figure   file   Final   final   finalimage3   Finally   find   Finding   finding   fine   flaw   Float   Fog   fog   fogcaustic1   fogcaustic2   fogcaustic3   foggy   For   for   forest   forward   found   Fractional   freespace   frequency   from   function   gamedev   gave   gdc   general   generate   generation   geometry   get   give   given   gives   glass   go   God   godrays   goes   going   good   got   grander   greater   Greenstein   grid   ground   growing   guys   had   half   handled   handles   hard   height   help   helped   Henrik   Henyey   high   hindsight   hit   hitting   homogeneous   homogenious   hope   how   However   htm   hugo   idea   If   if   image   images   Images   implement   implementation   implementations   implemented   Implemented   importance   impossible   in   In   included   including   incoming   incompatibility   indicating   indirect   infinite   inside   instead   integrated   integrator   Integrator   interact   interacted   interacting   interaction   interest   interesting   Interestingly   interpreter   intersected   intersecting   intersection   intersections   into   introduces   introducing   issue   issues   Jensen   job   jpg   just   kd   keep   kind   knew   Kr   large   last   later   Leaf   leaf   least   leave   leaves   Leaves   left   lenses   less   Li   life   Light   light   lighter   lighting   lights   like   liked   limit   Links   list   location   log   logical   long   look   looked   looking   looks   lookups   lot   luminance   made   main   majority   make   many   map   Map   Mapped   mapping   Mapping   maps   march   marched   marching   material   max   maybe   Maybe   me   meant   medium   method   micro   might   mimic   minimize   mirror   misty   Mitchell   model   modeling   Models   models   modified   more   most   Motion   moved   moving   much   My   my   myself   nature   necessarily   necessary   need   needed   needs   net   new   next   nice   no   Noise   noise   noisy   non   None   normal   note   Note   noticed   number   Nyquist   object   objects   obtain   obvious   octaves   odd   of   off   okay   on   Once   one   ones   onto   or   order   Other   out   over   Overall   overall   Overlap   Overview   own   page   part   particular   path   patterns   pbrt   pdf   Perlin   perlin   perturbing   phase   Photon   photon   photons   pick   picture   pictures   pin   place   places   plan   planning   plant   Plant   plant1   plant2   plants   pleased   plenty   point   pointing   points   position   positioning   potential   practically   preprocessing   present   pretty   primary   probability   problem   Problems   problems   processed   produced   proj   project   Project   projected   proper   properly   Proposal   proved   radiance   ran   random   Random   randomly   rate   ray   rays   Rays   read   reading   real   Real   Realistic   realistic   realized   really   reason   reasonable   reasonablebig   reasonably   redundancy   reference   References   reflected   reflecting   reflection   reflections   refracting   Refraction   refraction   region   relative   relied   rely   remapping   remove   removing   render   rendered   replicate   represent   represented   represents   required   research   resembled   resolution   Resources   result   resulting   results   right   rougher   same   sample   sampled   sampling   save   saved   saving   saw   scale   Scale   scaling   Scatter   scattered   scattering   scenario   scene   scenes   searched   second   see   seemed   seen   sense   set   Shafts   shallow   sharpness   shooting   shot   should   showcase   showed   shown   Sigma   sigma   simple   simpler   simulate   since   sine   Single   size   skill   skipping   slight   small   smaller   smooth   snuck   So   so   solid   solving   Some   some   somehow   something   sorts   source   sources   space   specific   specified   spectrum   spent   sphere   spheres   spot   spots   start   step   stepping   steps   still   straight   sub   subtle   suffer   suited   sure   Surface   surface   surfaces   Synthesis   tackle   taken   technical   Technical   technique   techniques   Techniques   Texture   texture   than   that   That   The   the   them   then   Then   There   there   Therefore   These   these   they   thing   think   this   This   those   through   throughout   time   to   too   took   total   tracking   Trainor   trajectory   transforming   traveling   tree   treeline   tricky   tried   trying   tweak   tweaked   tweaking   two   typically   unable   underwater   uniform   unit   unnecessary   until   up   upper   use   used   Used   useful   uses   Using   using   value   values   variations   vector   veins   very   via   virgin   volphot   volume   Volume   volumes   Volumetric   volumetric   Wann   want   wanted   was   water   Water   water1   waterbed   waterrougher   watersmooth   way   we   weighting   well   were   weren   what   When   when   Where   where   whether   which   While   while   will   windy   Windy   with   without   work   worked   working   would   wrote   xyz   you   zip   zoomed  


Final Project


David Trainor

Techniques Implemented

Volumetric Photon Mapping


My approach consisted of two main steps. The first consisted of preprocessing the scene by shooting a specified number of photons from light sources out into the scene. If these photons intersected the volume without intersecting another object first, they would be processed as they interacted with the volume. My photon interaction method was fairly straight forward. I read up on a two primary techniques for dealing with calculating the time to next interaction with photons in a medium. The less accurate technique consisted of using the sigma t value present at the ray’s current location to determine the next intersection point. If the sigmaT was 0, indicating no density in the volume, I moved the photon ray forward a specified step size and tried again (to alleviate large aliasing issues). However this technique still introduces aliasing in non-homogeneous volumes because high frequency changes in sigmaT would not necessarily be taken into account when computing the ray’s next intersection time. Another technique is to ray march along the ray’s projected path and keep an average sigmaT value. When the distance has become greater than the average sigmaT value given by –log(RandomFloat[0,1]) / averageSigmaT then that would be considered the interaction position. I ended up trying out both approaches but for some reason the simpler approach looked better (maybe a flaw in my code for the more complicated method).

When the distance to the interaction point was calculated, I then needed to check to make sure no intersections took place with objects inside the volume. If there were intersections with objects, I would calculate a new photon ray trajectory based on the BSDF of the surface that was hit. This created realistic caustic effects with glass spheres as well as allowed light to bounce through the volume as it hit mirror-like surfaces.

If the photon did not interact with an object in the volume, I computed whether or not the photon scattered given the probability sigmaS/sigmaT. Then I importance sampled the Henyey-Greenstein phase function (as this is the function used by volumes to determine in-scattered radiance from light sources) and calculated a new photon trajectory. I then saved the photon in a list along with the incoming trajectory. Finally when enough photons were shot into the volume I used the technique implemented by the photon map surface integrator to save the photons in a kd-tree for efficient lookups.

The second part of this technique consisted of computing the Li of a ray traveling through the volume. This is where I used the technique implemented in the Single Scatter volume integrator to ray march through the scene. Here I had two choices again, I could either ray march at a specific step size, or I could use adaptive ray marching using the sigmaT value at the ray’s particular point to determine a 'time to next interaction'. In order to avoid potential aliasing I used the step size approach. I could have adapted the ray marching algorithm to find a good integrated estimate of how long each march should be, but this would just be stepping through the volume at a particular rate, then back tracking and skipping over a certain amount of those integrated steps. I decided that was extra unnecessary as I would be stepping through the volume anyway and could just tweak the step size to obtain accurate results for each particular scenario.

During each step in the ray marching I would also pick a random light to sample to get the direct lighting component of that particular point in the volume. This meant I did not necessarily have to rely on the photon map for direct lighting. I used the same algorithm as the photon map surface integrator for looking up photons in the kd-tree, finding photons close to the current point of interest, and weighting them properly to be used in the scene.

Problems Encountered

There were a few interesting issues I ran into while attempting to implement my volumetric photon map. While many were technical implementations and transforming vector equations into the equivalent cosine/sine equations, some were more interesting.

The most difficult to pin down was the bane of environment maps via infinite area light sources. I found that as I began to render my scene using infinite area light sources I ran into all sorts of artifacts (bright spots in the scene). That is, if my environment map had a bright spot I would get random bright dots throughout my volume (see images below). Interestingly, this also showed up with PBRT’s surface photon mapping. So I assumed it was the incompatibility of the two techniques. In fact, the infinite area light source implementation in PBRT just randomly chooses a sample on a unit sphere. This creates all sorts of issues when the environment map has different luminance values throughout the sphere. While the infinite sample implementation did help some with the noise for the lookups, it still left artifacts in the scene at certain points. By removing the environment map from the potential light sources sampled for shooting photons I was able to correct this issue. I felt that this was reasonable because a majority of my light (that should be interacting with the volume anyway) came from the spot lights. And since I decided to leave the environment maps in for the direct lighting component as rays were marched through the volume, it made even more sense. If the environment maps did not contribute much direct light, they certainly weren’t going to contribute much indirect light (which is what the photons were meant to represent).


Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping by Henrik Wann Jensen

PBRT's Single Scatter Volume Integrator

PBRT's Photon Map Surface Integrator


A picture of a volume using a Single Scatter volume integrator

A picture of a volume using a Volumetric Photon Mapping volume integrator. A thing to note is the fact that the ambient light is brighter due to the photon scattering.

Some more examples of caustics shown by the volumetric photon mapping

Perlin Noise Fog


I realized that in order to mimic a foggy or misty scene I would need to generate non-homogenious fog. I saw that this could be done using a modified volume density grid. I set out to research perlin noise and cloud generation. While there are a few light variations on how to actually create clouds with perlin noise, I found one that suited my needs and gave me adequate control over the resulting clouds.

The basic algorithm for each point in the volume grid is:

Overlap 3D noise with 4 octaves

Scale the octaves appropriately

cloud_value = 255 * (total_noise - (1 - cloud_cover))

final cloud density = 1 - (cloud_sharpness^cloud_value)

Where cloud_cover goes from [0,1], and cloud_sharpness from [0,1].

This worked fine using PBRT's Noise(x,y,z) function. However I noticed that my fog was way too noisy when I sampled the entire noise space available in the PBRT function [0,255]. So I realized that if I expanded a particular region of that fog noise I could create and control the overall frequency of the noise. So, for example, sampling from [0,50] of that noise function gives a much better result.

Problems Encountered

I had a few problems analyzing the Fbm code in PBRT. I wanted to apply that function to create clouds because it looked like it gave me the result I wanted. However that relied on remapping texture coordinates on geometry to create the noise effect, which was unnecessary in this case. So I instead wrote my own noise interpreter to create perlin fog.



Fog sampled from the entire noise spectrum (0 to 255)

Fog sampled from a smaller spectrum of the noise (0 to 30)

Bump Mapped Water


I wanted to make realistic water seen from close up. I realized that this water resembled a mirror and saw that PBRT had already implemented a mirror material to do the job. After reading about bump map generation in the PBRT book I realized they also already had a class that handled creating realistic water bump maps (windy). So I took this class and modified it a bit by scaling down the sample space (solving the problem like I did for the perlin noise fog). This allowed me to have smooth water at far distances or close up (while the image looks zoomed in, the actual xyz coordinates are not necessarily as zoomed so you have to do this frequency scaling). The algorithm uses Fractional Brownian Motion or Fbm (explained in the PBRT book on page 553). This is basically a way of using perlin noise with scaling frequency. However the Fbm function implemented in PBRT also handles anti aliasing by not including any octaves that go above the Nyquist limit.

Problems Encountered

None, except that the mirror surface produced bright reflections using surface photon mapping (until I tweaked down the Kr to minimize the reflected light).


PBRT's Windy Texture implementation

PBRT's Fbm implementation


An image of smooth water

An image of rougher water

Techniques Not Used/Overall Problems

These are techniques or aspects of implementations above that did not make it into the final image

Real God Rays (through leaves)

I could not get God Rays into the image using volumetric photon mapping. I attribute this more to the fact that it did not look as realistic (those kind of effects are typically on a grander scale than this micro-scene) because I did not really think about this when planning my image. I could have snuck them in somehow but that would have required me to change the camera angle even more (see next problem).

Finding Leaf Models

I had problems finding a proper leaf/plant model to use for this scene. I had searched all over the internet and did not want to attempt to create one myself. The reason I was unable to find an exact image to replicate was because I knew finding a model that represented that image would be practically impossible. So instead I set out to find a model and plan my image around that. In the end, I found a model included in the PBRT CD for the plants.pbrt image.

The plants were of reasonably high resolution and looked like they would be easy/useful to model. However I found that the plants were meant to be rendered from far away so the leaves were not really connected to any kind of plant body and they were pointing all over the place. I was able to remove some redundancy in the model but not all of it. So in the end it took a lot of tweaking and positioning to get a scene that resembled something that could be seen in real life. I spent way too much time trying to find a proper model and aligning it so it looked realistic. So I was unable to adjust the camera angle too much from my final image without introducing odd plant artifacts into the scene.

Other Images

The artifacts with photon mapping and environment maps

Note: This image has no obvious artifacts while the final image has that one in the upper left. In the end when it came down to it I had to suffer that artifact to get at least reasonable resolution on the dew drops. If you look closely at the image above you will see that the dew drops were blurry and faded out. In the final image they look better, but I have to deal with that artifact as a result.

Final Image/Conclusion

Overall my techniques worked out pretty well. The Volumetric Photon Mapping helped me create the fog and gave the scene a realistic feel. I feel like without it I would have had a very uniform scene. When I added the water and a treeline environment map it also made the scene look like it was in a forest, or at least at the edge of one. The dew drops proved to be difficult to both position and adjust. Photon mapping just seemed to blur them out a bit too much without decreasing the max distance to the point where I got some noise. Maybe extremely bright small caustics were a bad idea in hindsight. Also, if I had more time I would have liked to work on the godrays a bit more, but in general I am pleased with the results.



A model from the PBRT book.




For this project I plan on modeling a plant growing out of (fairly) dark shallow water. There are plenty of effects that derive from this scene, but it was hard to pick ones that I knew I would have the time and the skill to execute. I wanted to add droplets to the leaves to create interesting refraction patterns. I also wanted to add rays of light because I find those to create beautiful forest scenes. I believe this will be a tricky feature to properly render but I'm hoping you guys can point me in the right direction here.

While I have been unable to find an exact picture of what I want, I have found plenty of sub pictures to help me get a solid idea of the scene I want to create and of the effects I want to place in that scene. Due to the nature of plant life, finding a picture and a corresponding model that accurately represents the plant in that picture would be impossible. So as long as I have pictures of the effects and the general scene idea I think I should be okay.

Technical Difficulties

1. Refraction: While we have already covered refraction through lenses, I hope to extend this out into the scene by refracting and reflecting light off the surface of the water as well as the dew/droplets on the leaves.

2. Bump Mapping: I plan on using subtle bump mapping to simulate the surface of the water. This could also be applied to the leaves of the plant to make the veins more apparent.

3. Light Shafts/God Rays: I hope to use Light Shafts (although I am not what the correct technique is) to model light rays coming down through the leaves onto the surface of the water. I believe this will be the most difficult part of the project but I think I can do it.

4. Photon Mapping: If I have time I would like to do photon mapping to the underwater part of the scene. It would be nice to be able to model the perturbing light on the bottom of the shallow waterbed. I am not sure how necessary this is as it might be a lot of work for a small result given the nature of the scene.


In order to tackle this project, I first plan on creating a scene file that places the plant model in the correct position relative to the camera. I figure if I start from the ground up I will be able to make sure everything is working and looking right before moving to the next step. Therefore the next logical step would be to add the water. I would tweak the height until I had the desired environment to showcase some effects (a leaf or two half way in the water, for example). I would implement refraction/reflection for the water (and for spheres, for when I add the droplets later). Once these are implemented I would add slight bump mapping to the surface of the water and to the surface of the leaves. Finally I would tackle the Light Shafts to create the rays of light coming through the leaves and hitting the water. This one will be difficult so I am saving it for last. I will then add the required environment map to give good water reflections and the right environmental feel. If I have time I will add some simple photon mapping to the water and make the surface lighter so that the bottom can be seen.

Other Images

Plant/Leaf Models

I am hoping to use this model for my plant.


Light Shafts:
