1994-1995 graphics lunches:
September 29: Special Introductory Lunch
October 13:
Lisa Forssell
Visualizing flow over curvilinear grid surfaces using LIC
October 20:
John Danskin
Compressing the X Protocol
October 27:
Jerome "Jay" Duluk
The CAZ-buffer
November 10:
Julie Dorsey
Computer Graphics Techniques for Time-Dependent Lighting
November 17:
P. Fua
Reconstructing complex surfaces from multiple stereo views
November 22:
Tom Funkhouser
Visualization and Interaction in Large 3D Virtual Environments
December 8:
Brian Cabral
Texture shading and other cool rendering techniques
January 5:
Paul Heckbert
Multiresolution modeling for fast rendering
January 19:
Cindy Grimm
Modeling arbitrary topology surfaces
January 26:
Ronald Pose
A Low-Latency Display System with Delayed Viewport Mapping
and Prioritized Rendering
Febraury 9:
Steve Bryson
The Virtual Windtunnel
Febraury 23:
Michael Gleicher
Building Graphical Interactions with Constrained Optimization
March 2:
Peter Schroeder
Spherical Wavelets: Efficiently Representing Functions on the Sphere
Tuesday, March 7, 2:45 - 4:00, CIS 101:
(Note the special day and time)
Tim Van Hook
Interactive Television
Wednesday, March 15, 2:45 - 4:00, CIS 101:
(Note the special day and time)
Taksushi Ikeuchi
Generating Virtual Worlds from Real Worlds using Computer Vision
March 16:
Hans Pederson
Derivation and Application of Material Coordinates to Implicit Surfaces
- April 6:
Maneesh Agrawala and Andrew Beers
3D Painting on Scanned Surfaces
April 13:
Bill Lorensen
The Exploration of Cross-Sectional Data with a Virtual Endoscope
April 27:
REid Gershbein
Radiosity: Textures, Quadratures, and Big Models
June 1:
Gavin Miller
Volumetric Hyper Reality
June 8:
Eric Veach
Optimally Combining Sampling Techniques for Monte Carlo Rendering