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Testing the design

It is very important to make sure that in every stage of the design to not proceed before everything done is tested. The complete project is broken into several labs in which we build a different part of it all. The different labs where helping us to make sure that each step we finish a different part of the computer and made sure it was working well. Once we finished building the computer the real testing began, testing all the instructions. In testing all the instructions, we used the method of divide and conquer. First we wrote very simple programs that tested each and every instruction and the different addressing modes. Using the capability to see the contents of any register throughout the execution of a program was very helpful at this stage. Once the small programs worked, we turned to check bigger programs that combined different instructions and different addressing modes. Lastly, we ran the programs that were given to us that were much more complex than any of the previous ones. Many times the computer did not execute programs they way we had expected and we needed to go back and check the design, find the problem, correct it and check again. Testing the computer turned out to be where we spent most of the time.

Ian A. Buck
Mon Apr 20 20:49:25 EDT 1998