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An Inverse Index for Iterators and Circulators


The class Inverse_index<IC> constructs an inverse index for a given range [i,j) of two iterators or circulators of type IC. The first element I in the range [i,j) has the index 0. Consecutive elements are numbered incrementally. The inverse index provides a query for a given iterator or circulator k to retrieve its index number. Precondition: The iterator or circulator must be either of the random access category or the dereference operator must return stable and distinguishable addresses for the values, e.g. proxies or non-modifiable iterator with opaque values will not work.

#include <CGAL/Inverse_index.h>


Inverse_index<IC> inverse;
invalid index.

Inverse_index<IC> inverse ( IC i);
empty inverse index initialized to start at i.

Inverse_index<IC> inverse ( IC i, IC j);
inverse index initialized with range [i,j).


std::size_t inverse [ IC k] returns inverse index of k.
Precondition: k has been stored in the inverse index.

void inverse.push_back ( IC k)
adds k at the end of the indices.


For random access iterators or circulators, it is done in constant time by subtracting i. For other iterator categories, an STL map is used, which results in a logj-i query time. The comparisons are done using the operator operator< on pointers.

See Also

Random_access_adaptor and Random_access_value_adaptor.

Next: Class declaration of Random_access_adaptor<IC>
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The GALIA project. Jan 18, 2000.