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A Random Access Value Adaptor for Iterators and Circulators


The class Random_access_value_adaptor<IC,T> provides a random access for data structures. It is derived from Random_access_adaptor<IC>. Instead of returning iterators from the operator[] methods, it returns the dereferenced value of the iterator. The iterator or circulator of the data structure are of type IC. Their value type is T.

#include <CGAL/Random_access_value_adaptor.h>


Creation and operations see Random_access_adaptor<IC> above, with the exception of:

T& random_access [ size_type n]
returns a reference to the n-th item.
Precondition: n < number of items in random_access.

See Also

Inverse_index and Random_access_adaptor.

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The GALIA project. Jan 18, 2000.