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A Random Access Adaptor for Iterators and Circulators


The class Random_access_adaptor<IC> provides a random access for data structures. Either the data structure supports random access iterators or circulators where this class maps function calls to the iterator or circulator, or a STL std::vector is used to provide the random access. The iterator or circulator of the data structure are of type IC.

#include <CGAL/Random_access_adaptor.h>


size type of the STL std::vector.


Random_access_adaptor<IC> random_access;
invalid index.

Random_access_adaptor<IC> random_access ( IC i);
empty random access index initialized to start at i.

Random_access_adaptor<IC> random_access ( IC i, IC j);
random access index initialized to the range [i,j).

void random_access.reserve ( size_type r)
reserve r entries, if a std::vector is used internally.


IC random_access [ size_type n]
returns iterator or circulator to the n-th item.
Precondition: n < number of items in random_access.

void random_access.push_back ( IC k)
adds k at the end of the indices.

See Also

Inverse_index and Random_access_value_adaptor.

Next: Class declaration of Random_access_value_adaptor<IC,T>
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The GALIA project. Jan 18, 2000.