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Class pv.Area

Extends pv.Mark.

Represents an area mark: the solid area between two series of connected line segments. Unsurprisingly, areas are used most frequently for area charts.

Just as a line represents a polyline, the Area mark type represents a polygon. However, an area is not an arbitrary polygon; vertices are paired either horizontally or vertically into parallel spans, and each span corresponds to an associated datum. Either the width or the height must be specified, but not both; this determines whether the area is horizontally-oriented or vertically-oriented. Like lines, areas can be stroked and filled with arbitrary colors.

See also the Area guide.

Defined in: Area.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Constructs a new area mark with default properties.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Default properties for areas.
The area fill style; if non-null, the interior of the polygon forming the area is filled with the specified color.
The height of a given span, in pixels; used for vertical spans.
How to interpolate between values.
The width of stroked lines, in pixels; used in conjunction with strokeStyle to stroke the perimeter of the area.
Whether the area is segmented; whether variations in fill style, stroke style, and the other properties are treated as fixed.
The style of stroked lines; used in conjunction with lineWidth to stroke the perimeter of the area.
The width of a given span, in pixels; used for horizontal spans.
Fields borrowed from class pv.Mark:
bottom, childIndex, cursor, data, index, left, parent, proto, reverse, right, root, scene, title, top, type, visible
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Constructs a new area anchor with default properties.
Methods borrowed from class pv.Mark:
add, anchorTarget, cousin, def, event, extend, first, last, mouse, render, sibling
Class Detail

Constructs a new area mark with default properties. Areas are not typically constructed directly, but by adding to a panel or an existing mark via pv.Mark#add.

Field Detail
{pv.Area} defaults

Default properties for areas. By default, there is no stroke and the fill style is a categorical color.

{string} fillStyle

The area fill style; if non-null, the interior of the polygon forming the area is filled with the specified color. The default value of this property is a categorical color.

This property is fixed for non-segmented areas. See pv.Mark.


{number} height

The height of a given span, in pixels; used for vertical spans. If the height is specified, the width property should be 0 (the default). Either the left or right property should be used to space the spans horizontally, typically as a multiple of the index.

{string} interpolate

How to interpolate between values. Linear interpolation ("linear") is the default, producing a straight line between points. For piecewise constant functions (i.e., step functions), either "step-before" or "step-after" can be specified.

Note: this property is currently supported only on non-segmented areas.

This property is fixed. See pv.Mark.

{number} lineWidth

The width of stroked lines, in pixels; used in conjunction with strokeStyle to stroke the perimeter of the area. Unlike the Line mark type, the entire perimeter is stroked, rather than just one edge. The default value of this property is 1.5, but since the default stroke style is null, area marks are not stroked by default.

This property is fixed for non-segmented areas. See pv.Mark.

{boolean} segmented

Whether the area is segmented; whether variations in fill style, stroke style, and the other properties are treated as fixed. Rendering segmented areas is noticeably slower than non-segmented areas.

This property is fixed. See pv.Mark.

{string} strokeStyle

The style of stroked lines; used in conjunction with lineWidth to stroke the perimeter of the area. Unlike the Line mark type, the entire perimeter is stroked, rather than just one edge. The default value of this property is null, meaning areas are not stroked by default.

This property is fixed for non-segmented areas. See pv.Mark.


{number} width

The width of a given span, in pixels; used for horizontal spans. If the width is specified, the height property should be 0 (the default). Either the top or bottom property should be used to space the spans vertically, typically as a multiple of the index.

Method Detail
{pv.Anchor} anchor(name)

Constructs a new area anchor with default properties. Areas support five different anchors:

In addition to positioning properties (left, right, top bottom), the anchors support text rendering properties (text-align, text-baseline). Text is rendered to appear inside the area polygon.

To facilitate stacking of areas, the anchors are defined in terms of their opposite edge. For example, the top anchor defines the bottom property, such that the area grows upwards; the bottom anchor instead defines the top property, such that the area grows downwards. Of course, in general it is more robust to use panels and the cousin accessor to define stacked area marks; see pv.Mark#scene for an example.

{string} name
the anchor name; either a string or a property function.

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