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Class pv.Vector

Represents a two-dimensional vector; a 2-tuple ⟨x, y⟩.

Defined in: Vector.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
pv.Vector(x, y)
Constructs a pv.Vector for the specified x and y coordinate.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
dot(x, y)
Returns the dot product of this vector and the vector v: x * v.x + y * v.y.
Returns the magnitude of this vector, defined as sqrt(x * x + y * y).
minus(x, y)
Returns this vector minus the vector v: ⟨x - v.x, y - v.y⟩.
Returns a normalized copy of this vector: a vector with the same direction, but unit length.
Returns a vector perpendicular to this vector: ⟨-y, x⟩.
plus(x, y)
Returns this vector plus the vector v: ⟨x + v.x, y + v.y⟩.
Returns a scaled copy of this vector: ⟨x * k, y * k⟩.
Class Detail
pv.Vector(x, y)

Constructs a pv.Vector for the specified x and y coordinate. This constructor should not be invoked directly; use pv.vector instead.

{number} x
the x coordinate.
{number} y
the y coordinate.
Method Detail
{number} dot(x, y)

Returns the dot product of this vector and the vector v: x * v.x + y * v.y. If only one argument is specified, it is interpreted as the vector v.

{number} x
the x coordinate to dot.
{number} y
the y coordinate to dot.
{number} a dot product.

{number} length()

Returns the magnitude of this vector, defined as sqrt(x * x + y * y).

{number} a length.

{pv.Vector} minus(x, y)

Returns this vector minus the vector v: ⟨x - v.x, y - v.y⟩. If only one argument is specified, it is interpreted as the vector v.

{number} x
the x coordinate to subtract.
{number} y
the y coordinate to subtract.
{pv.Vector} a new vector.

{pv.Vector} norm()

Returns a normalized copy of this vector: a vector with the same direction, but unit length. If this vector has zero length this method returns a copy of this vector.

{pv.Vector} a unit vector.

{pv.Vector} perp()

Returns a vector perpendicular to this vector: ⟨-y, x⟩.

{pv.Vector} a perpendicular vector.

{pv.Vector} plus(x, y)

Returns this vector plus the vector v: ⟨x + v.x, y + v.y⟩. If only one argument is specified, it is interpreted as the vector v.

{number} x
the x coordinate to add.
{number} y
the y coordinate to add.
{pv.Vector} a new vector.

{pv.Vector} times(k)

Returns a scaled copy of this vector: ⟨x * k, y * k⟩. To perform the equivalent divide operation, use 1 / k.

{number} k
the scale factor.
{pv.Vector} a scaled vector.

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