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Class pv.Layout.treemap

A tree layout in the form of an treemap. Treemaps are a form of space-filling layout that represents nodes as boxes, with child nodes placed within parent boxes. The size of each box is proportional to the size of the node in the tree.

This particular algorithm is taken from Bruls, D.M., C. Huizing, and J.J. van Wijk, "Squarified Treemaps" in Data Visualization 2000, Proceedings of the Joint Eurographics and IEEE TCVG Sumposium on Visualization, 2000, pp. 33-42.

This tree layout is intended to be extended (see pv.Mark#extend) by a pv.Bar. The data property returns an array of nodes for use by other property functions. The following node attributes are supported:

To produce a default treemap layout, say:
To display internal nodes, and color by depth, say:
  .fillStyle(pv.Colors.category19().by(function(n) n.depth))
The format of the tree argument is a hierarchical object whose leaf nodes are numbers corresponding to their size. For an example, and information on how to convert tabular data into such a tree, see pv.Tree. If the leaf nodes are not numbers, a #size function can be specified to override how the tree is interpreted. This size function can also be used to transform the data.

By default, the treemap fills the full width and height of the parent panel, and only leaf nodes are rendered. If an #inset is specified, internal nodes will be rendered, each inset from their parent by the specified margins. Rounding can be enabled using #round. Finally, an optional root key can be specified using #root for convenience.

Defined in: Treemap.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Returns a new treemap tree layout.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
inset(top, right, bottom, left)
Specifies the margins to inset child nodes from their parents; as a side effect, this also enables the display of internal nodes, which are hidden by default.
Specifies the root key; optional.
Enables or disables rounding.
Specifies the sizing function.
Class Detail

Returns a new treemap tree layout.

a tree (an object) who leaf attributes have sizes.
{pv.Layout.treemap} a tree layout.
Method Detail
{pv.Layout.treemap} inset(top, right, bottom, left)

Specifies the margins to inset child nodes from their parents; as a side effect, this also enables the display of internal nodes, which are hidden by default. If only a single argument is specified, this value is used to inset all four sides.

{number} top
the top margin.
{number} right Optional
the right margin.
{number} bottom Optional
the bottom margin.
{number} left Optional
the left margin.
{pv.Layout.treemap} this.

{pv.Layout.treemap} root(v)

Specifies the root key; optional. The root key is prepended to the keys attribute for all generated nodes. This method is provided for convenience and does not affect layout.

{string} v
the root key.
{pv.Layout.treemap} this.

{pv.Layout.treemap} round(v)

Enables or disables rounding. When rounding is enabled, the left, top, width and height properties will be rounded to integer pixel values. The rounding algorithm uses error accumulation to ensure an exact fit.

{boolean} v
whether rounding should be enabled.
{pv.Layout.treemap} this.

{pv.Layout.treemap} size(f)

Specifies the sizing function. By default, the sizing function is Number. The sizing function is invoked for each node in the tree (passed to the constructor): the sizing function must return undefined or NaN for internal nodes, and a number for leaf nodes. The aggregate sizes of internal nodes will be automatically computed by the layout.

For example, if the tree data structure represents a file system, with files as leaf nodes, and each file has a bytes attribute, you can specify a size function as:

.size(function(d) d.bytes)
This function will return undefined for internal nodes (since these do not have a bytes attribute), and a number for leaf nodes.

Note that the built-in Math.sqrt and Math.log methods can be used as sizing functions. These function similarly to Number, except perform a root and log scale, respectively.

{function} f
the new sizing function.
{pv.Layout.treemap} this.

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