The information on this page was put together by Heather and Ada in an effort to clarify common administrative procedures in the Graphics Lab.
Our contact information is:
Heather Gentner
Stanford University
Gates Building 3B-368
Stanford, CA 94305
Ada Glucksman
Stanford University
Gates Building 3B-368
Stanford, CA 94305
Meetings With Food
Please remember that we now have to adhere to a 60 day reimbursement period. Reimbursements must be in the system and fully approved within 60 days of the end of travel or of the receipt date. Reimbursements submitted after 60 days will still be reimbursed, but it will be tax-reportable income to you! So, please get your receipts to us immediately. Do not wait!
If it is your turn to buy, please make arrangements with Heather (in Gates 368) to come get the lab purchasing card. Remember to get a copy of the itemized receipt and submit it to Heather with a list of attendees and the purpose of the meeting (ie HCI Lunch, Ron's Group Meeting, Leo's Geometry Lunch). If you cannot get the lab card, use your own card and bring the itemized receipt plus business purpose and attendee list to Heather for reimbursement
Keep in mind that the amount spent needs to be reasonable for the number of people who attended.
Typical ranges per person are:
$5-$10 for breakfast or snacks
$10-$20 for lunch
$25-50 for dinner
Tip amounts if the meal takes place in a restaurant cannot exceed 18%. For tips on delivery, please cap it at $10 flat (most of the time, a delivery surcharge is added to your bill)
If alcohol is served, you must identify it on the receipt (We need to classify it differently when we process the reimbursement). Remember to get a copy of the itemized receipt.