The information on this page was put together by Heather and Ada in an effort to clarify common administrative procedures in the Graphics Lab.
Our contact information is:
Heather Gentner
Stanford University
Gates Building 3B-368
Stanford, CA 94305
Ada Glucksman
Stanford University
Gates Building 3B-368
Stanford, CA 94305
Travel Arrangements for Business Purposes
Please remember that we now have to adhere to a 60 day reimbursement period. Reimbursements must be in the system and fully approved within 60 days of the end of travel or of the receipt date. Reimbursements submitted after 60 days will still be reimbursed, but it will be tax-reportable income to you! So, please get your receipts to us immediately. Do not wait!
Under NO circumstances may you use the lab purchasing card for travel. THIS INCLUDES CONFERENCE REGISTRATION. Don't even ask! If it happens, the card will be taken away from us.
Your first step is to check with your advisor to see if you are fully covered, or need to adhere to a budget. If you will be charged to a contract, we may need to obtain approval from the sponsor. This takes time. Plan accordingly, and early. Check with us before making your arrangements if you will be charged to a contract
Foreign travel REQUIRES advance notification and approval by the sponsor. Please contact Ada AT LEAST 1 month in advance. Certain agencies such as DOE require at least 3 months notice. So, please let us know about your plans as soon as you think you might be traveling (i.e. when you submit your paper to the conference). If you are charged to a government contract, you will be expected to send an email to Ada including your travel dates, estimated expenses, website of conference, and a few sentences describing how your travel benefits the contract.
For your air travel: American carriers are required. Generally, as long as the payment is made to an American carrier, you will be ok. In other words, you can fly on a flight that is operated by Lufthansa, but the payment would have to be made to United. If the payment is made to a foreign carrier, you may not be reimbursed for the expense. Your advisor would have to ok the airfare charge to be paid from his unrestricted funds.
We no longer have a departmental travel card to charge travel to. You will need to use your own credit card to make all your travel arrangements. You will be reimbursed ONLY after travel is complete, and, as usual, you MUST submit receipts for all charges you expect to be reimbursed for. Please fill out a reimbursement form, available below or from Heather and Ada.
General Travel Reimbursement Form
Special SIGGRAPH Travel Reimburement Form