The information on this page was put together by Heather and Ada in an effort to clarify common administrative procedures in the Graphics Lab.
Our contact information is:
Heather Gentner
Stanford University
Gates Building 3B-368
Stanford, CA 94305
Ada Glucksman
Stanford University
Gates Building 3B-368
Stanford, CA 94305
Shipping and Receiving
For FedEx, send email to Ada or Heather that includes the mailing address (NO PO BOXES), phone number, date you plan on sending your package out,and the approximate weight. We will use the new online system to generate an airbill and send you email when it is ready.
You are responsible for assembling your package. Once you get the airbill from us, bring your package down to the first floor outside the shipping room and place in the white cabinet in the space labeled FedEx. If item is too big to fit in the cabinet, leave next to it, and let Hector Gamez or Christine Fiksdal know it needs to go out. Package must be dropped off downstairs by 3pm as the pickup time is typically by 3:15 pm. For more pickup times around campus click here.
Basic envelopes with the Graphics Lab Return address can be obtained from Heather and Ada in Gates 368.
Other mailing supplies can be found in the 3B copy room (Gates 377) in the supply cabinet. Get the key from Heather and Ada.
FedEx supplies can be found in the 3B copy/mail room (Gates 377) in the white cabinet labeled FedEx Supplies, or on the first floor in shipping/receiving (Gates 174).
If you have business related mail, please weigh your mail on the scale located in Room 377, verify the shipping charges and then bring to Heather or Ada for a stamp. The shipping charges can be found by visiting the USPS website. DO NOT place mail in the outgoing mailbox (in Room 377) without a stamp on it.
Campus ID Mail should be placed in the outgoing mailbox with normal mail. A typical ID mail address includes the person's name, department, room number, and mail code. Example:
Heather Gentner, Computer Science Dept, Gates 368, MC: 9035